"It's worse but better times seem further and beyond. The top gets higher the more that I climb..." ~ DeWayne Carter
No lie, this Greek stuff gets harder the older I get in it. You come in so excited to make a change in the community and you really want to help people and you want to have fun but disappointments always come. And that is not speaking on behalf of my chapter nor my fraternity. I have had this conversation with Greeks across the country, regardless of organization, race, or region. Everyone who comes into an organization is not always as committed to doing the work of that fraternity/sorority as others who came in with/before/after them. And it is at times frustrating but it is reality. And realizing this, the question those of us who are serious about the frat/sorority must ask ourselves is will we let the body fall because others don't feel like doing the work? Honestly, those of us who know what it is know that when someone didn't speak loud enough while practicing for their "neophyte showcase" (or whatever your organization calls it), you picked up their slack and kept it moving. The same is true in life. If someone isn't pulling their weight, the aims of the fraternity still have to be reached. So even in being tired, don't give up. And that is not just for greek letter organizations but in everything. Be passionate about whatever you do even when others aren't. That is all I have to say.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown