Sunday, August 29, 2010
Zone Out
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
I really started thinking about that over the past couple of days. Imagine feeling unwanted, unimportant, and unfulfilled. Realistically speaking, no one can be wanted by everyone but I think everyone wants to be wanted by someone. And if you don't feel that, you probably are not as happy as you can be. Life isn't always about the tangible or the intimate, but more importantly the feelings that come with that. The emotional connection that people have with those who readily show that they really are wanted and needed in every way is surmountable only by a spiritual revelation.
Just reflecting on that lady. Even if I and my boy don't, I am sure that some man will find her to be gorgeous and make her feel like she is the desired person in the world.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Friday, August 27, 2010
Triple Entendre
I really love college. I feel like there is nothing I can't do right now. The fast life is crazy but I've still got my foot on the pedal. Last night was bananas but last night was the beginning of the end. At the end of this academic year, I will be alumni so I had to have one last big beginning. I really walked into the club feeling like Mitch from Paid in Full. If tomorrow doesn't come, I know I had a great relationship w/ my Lord, I was a good brother and son, I invested my heart in the real, and I treated people right. I love my life and I will keep living it until the wheels fall off.
Side note: Many thanks to everyone who supported the Playboi Pi Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated at Epic last night. You all made the night a win.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Monday, August 16, 2010
How Can We Judge What's Relative
(This post is in response to a story I saw on about a woman and man being stoned to death for committing adultery)
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Thursday, August 12, 2010
B.I.L. List
Before I live, I want to:
get a tattoo
write a book
graduate from undergrad
work for a Fortune 500 Company
become an executive at a Fortune 500 Company
do missionary work
travel to each continent (Antarctica is negotiable)
get married once and stay with her in a completely committed relationship
bring people to Christ
donate a full year's salary to a charity
have a greenhouse that I care for
hold a public office
be a great dad
earn my Master's
earn my Doctorate
stop cursing
fund a scholarship in the name of my great-grandmother, Ms. Polly Ann Williams
live like Christ
buy my parents and grandmothers homes
read the Bible in it's entirety
not go a day without smiling
be wealthy, but live far below my means
mentor a child from elementary school through college
remain an active brother in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. in every sense of the word "active"
serve as a District Director in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
own my own business
remain well-dressed
surround myself with forward thinking people
read a book per month
maintain a great credit score
remain active in whatever church I am a member of
always be myself, but always let my definition of self grow intentionally
strive for excellence, not perfection
I am sure more things will come up but I think this is a pretty solid list for a soon-to-be college grad. Now I've just got to make moves toward it. Thanks Torey.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Just Venting
As much as leadership is an honor, it is a burden. If things go right, it's everyone's victory. If things go wrong, it's my fault. No one ever says that, but that's the reality of things. I really just want to get away. I want to go where no one can reach me. But here I am, my head bloodied, but unbowed. So I'll grind it out, take a vacation to my bedroom from from time to time, and pray. That is all I can do.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rewarded for Stealing
Monday, August 9, 2010
What to Do?!
Some people say they can do anything and don't believe it. I say I can do anything and I know it. If I trained hard enough, I could be a professional athlete. If I studied hard enough, I could get into med school and become a doctor. If I utilized my ability to speak well and took the proper steps, I could be the president of the US. My issue is focusing on one thing. I need to sit down and draw out a few plans, prioritize them, and take steps toward the most important. The only limited resource I have is time. Some say I'm cocky. Some call me confident. Truth is, I might be a bit of both but it is because I'm not at all worried about "making it." Success is written in my ambition. I know that God gave me my ability and I humbly accept that, but I also know that he only made one man better than me - Jesus. Aside from him, we are all equals, just with different talents. So, yeah, I am confident thay I'll be at the top of everything I do. My only question is how I'm going to get there.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Business Attire

In my quest for two new suits for the fall, I stumbled across this on Men's Warehouse's site and found that it might behoove some of you gentlemen (or single mothers) to look at it. It is a first-time suit buyer's guide. It gives the basics on what to look for in a suit. Please take notes.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Ignorance is no Excuse
I can understand that the depth of understanding can always increase. What I do not understand is why people choose to take things out of the Word. True, I knowingly ignore some Biblical rules but I know I'm wrong. That's not right but I acknowledge that it is something I need to work on. If you don't acknowledge that it's even wrong, why would you ever work on correcting it? And if enough people ignore it, will it be written out of a version of the Bible? If the Bible says it, it is what it is. In spite of all the controversy about missing cannons and differences between the Protestant and Catholic Bible, I believe that God makes no mistakes and He wouldn't give us a Bible that didn't have everything we need in it. So why disregard something that He believes we need. Take what His Word says, apply it to the world today, and keep it moving.
If you believe in Jesus Christ, I believe you will make it to Heaven. But if you really believe in Him and His greatness, why wouldn't you want to do what He wants you to do? I'm not saying I'm perfect. And I'm not trying to be. But strive for excellence, I will do. And that only comes through discussion, prayer, and reading without picking and choosing what topics you don't like.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Friday, August 6, 2010
This was kind of a random topic but stemmed from my neo Cory and I discussing what is real and what is fake.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Empty Victories
I know nothing will change but I wanted to throw in my three cents.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I just had a great talk w/ my brother Cory. It is interesting that those who put the most effort into developing a relationship with us end up having the biggest impact on us. In listening to him talk, I see reflections of myself, Jerm, RJ, and Phil (a few of Pi Zeta's brothers who held down the TR3 and/or tail positions). I often catch myself sounding like Phil or Curtis or RJ. Brothers who really care enough to develop you into a better Alpha man (or Kappa, Omega, Sigma, Iota) are few and far between. It's not just about the money you pay and the letters you wear. A fraternity is a family. Time must be put in. Sacrifices must be made in order to ensure the growth of those in the family. I love my brothers and I am proud when people tell me I sound just like Phil or RJ. And I hope that, when I am a few semesters removed, someone will be saying the same about the newly old Playbois.
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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown