Saturday, March 31, 2012

Obama is a "Government n***a"

Some politicians shoot themselves in the foot. GOP Presidential candidate Rick Santorum just shot himself in the head. True, this video is spliced at the end to make a point (propaganda), but there is no question about the original statement that was made. We really need to be questioning the values of the people who want to represent this nation as our president. Not mayor or governor or senator but the leader of the whole country.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Deryle Daniels' Days Off

So I had a couple days away from the office and they were spent with my girlfriend Desireè Bell. We had sushi and drinks, saw the Bobcats play, went to see a couple movies, did some shopping, and made dinner while watching Ferris Beuller's Day Off. I am blessed to have her.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Letter To Letter Wears (A Poem)

Do you internalize the lit that you learn or do you just forget?
I won't curse so I'll just say I'm tired of this bull that we spit
We act for the flashing lights at a probate
But then at service projects we don't show face?
You grit up at night. Why can't you get up today?
The community needs us. Look at how they shot Tray
The test of the man is taken on a never ending sheet
And we write with our life's breath. Our never ending ink
Invictus is not just a movie. We truly are captains
Not in charge of what happens but in charge of our actions
And my dean taught me we are in charge of our attitudes
We speak without passion but instead with such platitudes
You don't have to be loud. We all know silent intensity
I know I love my frat and all it has meant to me
Don't let it fall. Over a century
Of positive work has been done and eventually
We will bring out people to a more level field
But maybe internalize your lit instead of #SoIKnowItsReal
Think Greeks. Think! We are the talented tenth
Excelling in intellect and balanced in strength
Don't sit your bucket down, no offense to Booker T.
Pick it up. Move forward. Compose a symphony
Of melodic peace and provocative change
We are today's founders, so why don't we act the same

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trayvon Martin

Trayvon was murdered. We cannot bring him back. Based on the Florida law, we really cannot do anything to his George unless the powers that be decide that there are credible witnesses.

What we can do is make sure that this doesn't happen again. This is an election year. That means that, for once, we have a voice that politicians must actually listen to as opposed to pretending to listen to. We cannot change the laws ourselves. It takes us bugging the hell out of our representatives. It takes us calling and saying "My name is Deryle Daniels, Jr. I am a voter and I demand that you fight for the repeal of (given law that is like the Stand Your Ground Law)." It takes us not getting tired of calling after 3 weeks or getting distracted by reality TV. It takes us actually being dedicated to a cause.

For those of you who do not know, every law has a hidden agenda. This law was fought for by the National Rifle Association (NRA), historically one of the United States' most conservative (and often said to be most racist) organizations. This situation is so much bigger than Trayvon Martin being shot by George Zimmerman*. This law gives murderers a literal "Get Out of Jail Free" card and places them back into communities, giving them the opportunity to continue living as a parisite. Drug dealers, gang members, and people of the like often get freed because of laws like this and go right back to impoverished communities, continuing to drain them of the resources they have. And if they murder again, they can once again say, "I did it because I felt threatened," and life will continue to go on. It perpetuates the self-extermination of the lower class and is quasi-systematic genocide. Some people might think I am being an extremist but, as I said, I am a firm believer that, when the NRA decided to get behind this law, they knew that it would be used as justification in two instances most often - 1) gang/drug-related killings and 2) whites who said they felt threatened by the presence of a minority. Guess what? They were right. And the NRA has enough money to purchase lobbyists that can get 21 bills like that passed across the nation.

The beauty of it being an election year is that, as I said above, we actually have a voice that outweighs the money of major interest groups. See, these politicians' jobs are politics. Without us voting them back into office, their political careers end. So we have to let them know that we will not vote them into another term if they decide to leave laws like the Stand Your Ground Law on the books. These laws allow people to get away with murder, sometimes done in cold blood. Our judicial system needs to question anytime a person dies at the hand of another to see if this was preventable or not.

People, reach out to your politicians. Make a change. People say have a heart but I believe that we all have one. Let's let that heart guide us to take action.

E-mail me at if you need to know who your area's elected officials are. I'll get back to you within 24 hours with their contact information.

Do not let this 17-year old die in vain.

*See the post "White-Hispanic on Black Crime" in my column Mind Over Media at posting later this evening.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Monday, March 19, 2012

On This Day in History

On this day in history, I decided to step out on faith. I am going to embark on a path of which I cannot see the end but I can see God's hand in the plan. I am nervous but I am not doing this blindly. Rather I am letting Him see for me and I am following. I am not making a rash decision but I am making a decision. Tomorrow I can decide not to follow through. But I will follow through. I am rich already even before He has put the dollars in my pocket. And more importantly than being wealthy, I am rich in wisdom. Now is my dad's time. And my great grandparents' time. And my grandfather's time. And my cousin Cody's time. A dollar and a dream...

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rome Is Burning

Our continual dependence on technology and entertainment compromises our intelligence.

On a large scale, we have lost our ability to communicate, think critically, and do basic things on our own. We are lazy and want everything done for us. We want quality quickly, which is an oxymoron. Anything that is to be appreciated must be sought after. No one just appreciates because he/she is told to appreciate. Taking the time to learn a new word because you looked it up in the dictionary is apart of the struggle, as opposed to just saying "bombastic" into the microphone of your iPhone. Getting lost on a trip instead of just listening to your global positioning system adds hours of conversation to our lives, increasing our interpersonal skills and developing our relationships. Using your imagination when watching sitcoms as opposed to feeding into the nonsensical lives of reality television characters gives our imaginations something to do and let's us know that the fairy tale lifestyle is not real.

I have a major problem with the new way things are done because it has to come falling down. I want to have a good grasp on what is really real when it does. Just so I can say I expected it. This stuff is fake people. Know that. The cars and the iPads and iPhones... all of it is fake. It was purchased on credit by a debtor nation, which also makes us lazier, and eventually, someone is going to reposes it. They might not directly take it out of our hands, but we, as a nation, are in fiscal, social, spiritual, and moral debt. It has to be paid by one generation. The baby boomers probably won't be around to see it come crashing down. That leaves my generation, one full of people who lack the intelligence, drive, and imagination to get out of such a situation. THINK PEOPLE!!! I IMPLORE YOU!!!

Why am I wasting my key strokes? My faith is in God b/c this generation is a sorry excuse of human beings. We only care about ourselves.

Rome is burning.

Get out while you can.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kony 2012 Campaign: After the Hype

So, it's been a week since Joseph Kony was made a celebrity by our generation. And it's been 6 days since we lost focus on the situation. I expected that. But what I want to address is the money being put toward the issue (and all other issues that we invest our dollars in). From what I've read, only about 30% of our dollars go to these actual Invisible Children, which is more than reportedly goes to the American Cancer Society. So my question is, how can we get a larger amount given? I just can't believe that, if we give them enough money to purchase a $100,000 home, they can only buy two $15,000 cars. I am skeptical of this but that is another post for another day.

Are we so simple that we need to see Kony tees to remember that these children are dying and getting rapes and mutilated? Maybe if we opted out of the tees, they'd get more funds. Maybe we need to question all of our fundraising tactics. The other day I found out that perks are given to persons who donate x-amount to charities. And I'm not just talking tax breaks. I mean the charities reward these people with trips and things. I guess it gives people a reason to bid more but what if all of that money was given to the cause? The donation and the cost of the perk? Is it really donating if you do it because of the reward? I am just trying to make you all see my logic.

I want as few people as possible touching my donations. If I could, I would put them directly in the hands of an Invisible Child. But since I can't I will do my part to raise awareness about the cause.

Oh yeah, one more thing... You didn't work for most of what you have. It's bought on credit. Thus, you are working for it. And if you can't afford it, you probably don't need it. These kids need help though. Something to think about before you purchase your iPad 3.

And I still believe he needs to be stopped. But more important than that is the people who need out help. Make sure the reason doesn't get lost in the frenzy.

Speaking of frenzy (I know I keep going), you all should check out my column on It's called "Feeding Frenzy," and is my first time writing as a guest columnist.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Yorkers, Stop Paying Your Taxes

How can we trust the media when we cannot even trust the government?

I just read an article in the NYT about how officers, who take an oath to serve and protect, have a system of red tape set up to keep citizens from reporting crimes such as being beaten, having their cars stolen, and having their property stolen. At my job, we call this "work avoidance." The difference is, in my position, work avoidance is frowned upon and can lead to separation from the company. The NYPD seems to reward it's decorated officers by keeping them in high ranking positions and even promoting them based on these sanctioned fabricated statistics.

In this title, I tell people not to pay their taxes and I don't mean that literally... yet. But if your government is not holding up its end of the deal, why should we? And not serving the people when that is a major component of your job description is definitely not holding up your end. That's like paying rent in a house that has no roof. Get involved. Ask questions. Don't vote for people just because they passed out free tee shirts. Let's hold our officials accountable or let's hold our dollars in our pockets. This country was started in a revolutionary war by people who were being unfairly taxes and please believe it can end like that too.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

How Many of us Have Them?

How many of us have true friends who we know will always be there for us? Be it my blood brother and sister, my line brothers, my other brothers, or my sisters I am grateful for them. The memories are worth any amount of money because, when God takes them from you or you from them, that is all you have.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Very Impatient People

Ok, this post is going to be short.

What makes us important enough to be in VIP? Seriously? Because we can buy a ticket. Importance and some semblance of wealth (artificial as it may be) are not the same things. I spent $20 more than someone who was in the general population just so I could eat some finger foods. And I ended up spending most of my time outside of VIP because most of the people in that section were looking like they had more fun than those in VIP... There is no real point to this post except to make people think. Finger foods don't come with importance.

Then we have to decide what kind of importance we're talking about. Obviously, in this post, I am talking about the superficial but that is what our society values these days. So last weekend, I let that value system take control and I felt important... Hopefully that $20 I lost out on won't come back to bite me.

Btw, the photograph is one of me having fun outside of VIP.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Put J. Kony on TIME

Our generation has been given another charge - to make Joseph Kony the world's most famous person. This man is having numerous people killed, raped and abducted to be turned into brainwashed soldiers. Many of these people are children. I would go in depth but the video speaks volumes. Please watch. If you don't have 27 minutes to spare, check it out when you do. Let's change lives by saving them. One person does matter. And it's an election year so the politicians have to please us in order to get their party into the White House. Let's use that fact as our bargaining chip.

At the time I wrote that first paragraph, I did not think about the children, as many of you have not. So let's not forget the reason we need to #StopKony... it's so that we can provide a better life for the people of Africa's many nations that he has affected. This point can not be one of compromise. There is no point in stopping a bad person if we are not going to add some good to their lives. Otherwise, his second in command will just step up. So let's do more than just stop Kony. Let's start planning for the future of those whose lives he has impacted negatively. The #Kony2012 movement, though well intentioned, is still a movement that relies on the media which means you can never just take it at face value. Anytime you want to jump on a bandwagon b/c someone appealed to your ethos, quickly ask the question "Why do I need to be involved?" and continue to ask that question until you reach the goal. And when your answer no longer makes sense, you need to pull out. We are doing this for the kids. If not, you're doing it to be cool. And that's fine because your dollars will still help these kids but know why you want to #StopKony. Don't do it because the media told you to. Do it because you believe one of these kids not being kidnapped will change the world.
Sent from my iPhone
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Guru

Ok, so I am one of the best dressed people I know with one of the most versatile wardrobes. So I really have a hard time seeing how some people cannot dress. Personally, if I see someone who is where I want to be, I will try to develop myself by picking up some of their traits. My ADP George Acheampong arguably has the most potential for success out of everyone I met in college. George is very well dressed. Therefore, even before I got initiated into Alpha Phi Alpha, I was taking notes from him. To a lot of younger guys, I am George. Some of them took advantage of knowing me and used me as a resource. That's not to say I am the magazine GQ but I am GQ the man. So it would behoove you to contact me if you have any questions. If I don't know, I know someone who does (likely either George or Vince who is my younger brother but whose knowledge of proper dress and grooming is growing exponentially).

And you can maintain your individuality but do it with some sense. The hardbody sag is dead. Really son? Your jeans are sitting right above your knees. I can get fresh too and go to anybody's hood and walk out without looking like I don't belong. And I do that. I just dress for the situation I'm in or I have the potential to be in. If there is a chance I can meet someone who can help my personal development, my appearance will reflect that. It's no different than wearing winter clothes in the winter and summer clothes in the summer.

Seriously though, don't hesitate to ask me any questions. The photo in this post was taken at an upscale movie theater that serves drinks and desserts while you watch. I dressed for the situation.

Oh, one more thing - if you have to choose between overdressing and underdressing, overdress.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown