Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Need for God? Cooooooooool, Cooooooooool

I’m currently sitting in a lecture being given by a theologian on the topic of evolution. This “man of God” is arguing that evolution is a valid theory. I really am wondering what this world is coming to when a man whose life is supposed to be based on the teachings of a book of faith is trying to explain away divine creation? He is trying to say that there is some place for God outside of being the Creator. The first four words of the Bible are “In the beginning God...” The 27th verse of the book of Genesis reads that “God created man in his own image.” I have not, cannot, and will not entertain the idea that God made a monkey in his own image and we came from that. It’s not that I don’t agree that animals can evolve. Evolution is a result of proper (if not planned) growth, breeding, and ideal environmental surroundings. I will even entertain the idea that man, in the beginning, was primitive. We may be the descendents of Neanderthals. I really do not know because I am not well versed enough in knowing the difference between us and a more primitive man but it is not hard to believe that mankind has grown physically and mentally. What I do not believe is that I came from a monkey. And I don’t because I have faith that every single word in the Bible is true. People say I am closed minded because I won’t consider this, but why fix something that’s not broken? If He said it, I believe it. End of story. Darwin has NEVER done anything for me. God has done EVERYTHING for me. So my question to you is "Who do you trust: A stranger or a father?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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