Disclaimer: I know I am not racist. I have a lot of white friends who I know I can lean on and who are great people. I do not hate any race.
However I do have an immense hate for the system which has been put in place to perpetuate this white supremacist ideology. I hate the fact that my people, not only black but also those who are less well-off or impoverished, have such a hard road to travel. I need a change to come because I really want to have unconditional love for this nation, but right now it is far from where it needs to be.
Racism is no longer blatant but instead is institutionalized in the form of the SAT, ACT, and GRE which are culturally biased, the welfare system which cripples our people instead of providing is with assistance and instruction, the no child left behind legislation which rewards schools which perform at a high level and punishes those who really need the help, the legal system that targets young black men, and so on and so forth. We are no longer being lynched by men in white robes who burn crosses. Instead it is being done by those in black robes who hold gavels. And this lynching is not physical but instead systematic and cultural. This system is not working for me or mine but it is keeping the rich whites in power and that is why I hate it. I don't want a hand out (even though, America, you do owe me reparations). I just want the playing field to be even. I don't want to have to be better than the whites who I am competing with. But I do. So I will.
In short, I hate the system. But I will work it and I will change it, even if it is only a minor change. I am better than the stereotype and guess what? I'm going to show the stereotype that he is too. End of story.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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