Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You Ain't 'Bout That Life

I'm cold but that don't mean I'm chillin – Chris Brown

Some people think pledging is what you did for however long your membership intake process was. I beg to differ. But I’m not the only one who disagrees. Oxford Dictionary says a pledge is “a solemn promise or undertaking.” So when I see people who talked about how hard they went during their 2 weekends (or however long they were going through what they went through) skating through their actual membership, I have to question their understanding of the English language. You say you pledged the hardest, but did you really? You promised the hardest? So where are the fruits of this promise that you made? If I went through something that meant anything, I’m going to make sure I’m giving my all to it because a man is only as good as his word. In all actuality, how hard your process was is shown in your works. And the sad thing is, some people who “pledged” the hardest are doing so much less work than people who didn’t pledge by some people's standards… Or are those the people who actually pledged in the truest since of the word and everyone else just did what they had to do to wear a jacket and step? If you pledged pledge. And if you didn’t pledge, pledge. But don’t wear a jacket and use the network. We often say it but I really mean it, no matter what you went through, if you aren’t holding up the light of your organization, “you ain’t ‘bout that life.”

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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