So, I am going through my Facebook photos, looking at all my tagged pictures and I have a lot of shots w/ me living a celebrity-esq lifestyle out on the town. So then I looked through those albums which I was tagged in and I saw that a lot of my friends were living these exaggerated lifestyles as well. We are really so caught up in this materialism that I think we have started to believe in our own importance. We sit in VIP booths but does the ability to buy a booth make you an important person or just someone who has money? And even when you happen to get the booth for free, it is at a club in Greensboro, North Carolina for heaven's sake. You probably won't be in there rubbing elbows with Diddy, Oprah, or Gates. So, while we're going out, using our refund checks to buy $200 bottles of champagne at the club to show off to a woman who probably won't remember your name tomorrow, know that you are really just a kid transitioning into adulthood until you get that degree.
Food for thought.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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