Thursday, August 4, 2011

What's Your Why?/Work Harder

"How big is your why?" -- Bro. George Acheampong

Why do you work?  Why do you workout?  Why do you read?  Is it so you can make money?  So you look good next week at the beach?  So your vocabulary allows you to get women?  What will you do when you make "enough" money?  After you leave the beach?  When you are married to the woman who you tricked?  Why not work so that your kid's kids are wealthy?  Workout so those kids can spend time with a healthy grandparent?  Read so you can pass your love of reading on to a younger generation?  How big is your why?  If it's not big enough, why are you doing it?

If you think you worked so hard that you deserve something, get off your high horse b/c there are people who worked twice as hard and got nothing in life.  No one is owed anything.  The only thing someone might owe you is honesty but we are so frequently robbed of that that I can honestly say it too is a luxury.

This is not to say don't work.  Keep working.  Please.  You can get what you deserve but the hunger has to be there.  You have to have a certain drive about you that sets you apart from your competition.  What makes you better than the next person in line?  What sets me apart is the fact that I'm a Daniels.  I write that with all sincerity.  You see the confidence that is in that line?  There is no excessive verbiage.  It is simple and to the point.  It is not boisterous but instead certain.  That is what I am... Certain.  I am certain that my great-grandmother didn't bestow all of her wisdom upon me for me to be making minimum wage.  I'm certain that my grandmother didn't shower me with love so I could flip your burgers until the age of 37 (even though she made sure that I maintained a level of humility so that I would if I ever had to).  My parents didn't have me go to one of the nation's best public school systems so that I could drop out of college.  I am a Daniels and, if no one else believes in me now, everyone else whose blood I have running in my veins made sure that I would make them all believe in my ability to succeed.  That is why I work so hard; so they can claim my successes as their own because they are their own.  A pretty big "Why?" if you ask me.

Always remember: People who don't stand out don't stand out.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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