So, I felt like writing today. I was on the phone the other day with a friend of mine. Older guy in his 60s. He and I were talking about the fact that we will never get out of this $15,000,000,000,000.00 of debt we are in as a nation (I had to spell it out so you would be able to really see the impact... but if seeing words helps, that is FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS). Ok, now, I have a very simple solution to this but it goes against everything capitalism stands for - LET'S ALL SHARE!!! For 5 years, why not be taxed at a higher rate, try out this socialism thing, and pay off our debt. I say it all the time, but you cannot build a house in a hole. That goes for anything in life, but especially right now. You cannot build a positive while in a negative without first reaching zero. We're putting money into a hole right now and continually digging that hole deeper and deeper. High school students getting new phones every 6 months. Soccer moms buying new cars every other year. Kids wanting $250 sneakers that serve no practical purpose other than to keep fecal matter off your feet. And a lot of this bought on credit. If it isn't bought on credit, it's taking cash away from something that is purchased on credit.
And then all of these senseless government sponsored programs! How are we spending $10,000 on every pound we lift out of space but we can't afford to get out of financial bondage? Come on people. Frugality and taxation!!!
In short, I propose a bill that forces frugality on our nation because right now we look like a nation of idiots. And I don't like being associated with idiots so someone needs to make a change. But we are too selfish to subject ourselves to aggressive taxations. So we keep digging this iHole because all iCan think of is mySelf.
Taxes would fix all this.
Food for thought.
And your input does matter. If everyone pitched in, we'd be in a better position.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
One Box
You said you want a gift
Me, I wanted a myth
A good girl who I could spend forever with
And I know I got her
But if you are not her
Let me know now and I will love you harder
You warm me up like a heavy jacket. You're my starter
Put my team on my bench. You're not even a starter
You're my assistant coach. Now I'm out of the game
And part of me is like, #JColeVoice, "Man, don't be so _____ lame"
But you are you and we are us
God sent you to me and in He I trust
I mean in Him I trust
I'm fine with taking time so let's not rush
As a matter of fact
Let's take a forward step back
To when we played in the sand and looked at rocks
Will you be mine? If you noticed, there's only one box
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Me, I wanted a myth
A good girl who I could spend forever with
And I know I got her
But if you are not her
Let me know now and I will love you harder
You warm me up like a heavy jacket. You're my starter
Put my team on my bench. You're not even a starter
You're my assistant coach. Now I'm out of the game
And part of me is like, #JColeVoice, "Man, don't be so _____ lame"
But you are you and we are us
God sent you to me and in He I trust
I mean in Him I trust
I'm fine with taking time so let's not rush
As a matter of fact
Let's take a forward step back
To when we played in the sand and looked at rocks
Will you be mine? If you noticed, there's only one box
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Thursday, February 9, 2012
My Letter To UNCG -- Repost & Comment

Would the University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Housing & Residence Life have a series of events during Homosexual History Month titled "Don't Drop The Soap: Jailhouse Rapes in the Homosexual Community," "Is AIDS a Homo Disease?" "Elton John on Straight People in Southeast China" "Oh, I Know He Didn't *Snap Three Times*," or "The Real House Husbands of Brokeback Mountain?" No. And yes, I went there. I thought of the most questionable titles that were based upon stereotypes because it looks like that's what HRL did this time around. I'm sure that students helped come up with these titles. I even see some people I know well serving as facilitators for the programs. And I'm in no way mad at them. But, at a university where you have an African-American Studies program, which I am a proud graduate of, why would there be no consultation regarding a program of this magnitude for Black History Month? Use your resources HRL.
Titling programs "Black Eye" and focusing on the domestic violence issue in the black community is unfair in my opinion because domestic violence is an issue in every community in the world, so why focus in on it during black history month? And, even if we are focusing on the fact that it exists in the black community, aren't we supposed to be focusing on the historic aspects of black culture during this month? When I think of Black History, I think of very little that has occurred in my lifetime. True, history is being made but contemporary issues are not a basis for a program in a month focused on the history of a people. The program on Booker T. Washington's take on white people in Europe is neither here nor there. It just is. He's a historical figure writing about a historic time, so I will let this one slide. What I can and will not let slide is "Addicted to Creamy Crack." Are you kidding me? Even as a black man, when I didn't know that perms were referred to as "creamy crack," I was worried about what the heck black women were talking about being addicted to. So imagine what white people think when they hear the words "addicted" and "crack" associated with "Black History Month." Were I a white person, I think I would feel too uncomfortable with the program's title to even show up and find out that it has nothing to do with black people being addicted to narcotics. Next, you have "Hide Ya Kids, Hide Ya Wife?" I understand the point they're trying to make. Great point. It's about being articulate and enunciating as a young African-American. But, never the less, you need a colon saying that is what it's about. Because I saw this and, at first glance, assumed it had something to do with that quasicelebrity (and I reluctantly give him that much of a title) Antwan Dotson. Thankfully I read further. A lot of people wouldn't. The only title I'm truly pleased with is "Everybody Move To The Back of the Bus," and that is because we all know that no one can make you move to any section of the bus these days. Out of 5, I give the programs hosted this week a 1.5 and that's without even coming. Which means I probably wouldn't come were I a student.
As I said at the beginning, UNCG wouldn't host HHM with titles like that. So why do it for BHM?
Alumni, pick up your pens. Pay for a stamp. Write a letter. Or blog about it and save a tree. But say something if you disagree. (Oh snap! I just rhymed!)
Food for thought.
Go Spartans.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Go Spartans.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
Friday, February 3, 2012
Inferiority Complex
Race is not the problem
It's an economic screen
There's an economic scheme
There are economic teams
See, black or white, wealth is the goal
There are blacks and whites both selling their souls
For diamonds, green paper, silver, and gold
But often, that's not the story that's told
We are told that the white man tried to keep us down
They are told that black folks try to rob the town
Blind via welfare
So who the hell cares
About how much we have in common
Not race but I know which room I'm in
Not race but room... Peep the knowledge
Thanks to my majors I learned a lot in college
But anyway, back to the "Room Over Race" theory
Let's see if I can explain "Room Over Race" clearly
Blacks or whites, many came here to serve
Not "slavery." "Indentured" was the word
But at that point, there were more poor than rich
And what if, one day, the poor called it quits?
Well, let's divide and conquer
Provide and sponsor
One color with some status
Maybe that will end the madness
See, there were servants rebelling
And, where that was going, there's no telling
So let's say "Not rich vs. poor. Black vs. white"
And with that went the real fight
Only to be masked for hundreds of years
Only to be masked by blood sweat and tears
We're fighting race when we should be fighting poverty
The whole time not blacks but the wealthies are really robbing me
Hmmmm... never thought about that
Never thought about who really won't cut us some slack
"Us" being the people who work hard everyday
Black, white, green, yellow, we are all the same
We are all in the pursuit of happiness
But too many blacks, whites, greens, yellows, aren't happy yet
Sure there are a few whites and fewer blacks who are happiest
But we're too focused on the simple things we have in common
Not the fact that while most of us are eating Ramen
Or maybe you say Ramen
Either way, the filet mignon eaters are payin'
Us much less than we are worth
And what do we do? Continue to go to a separate church
Frequent separate bars. Live in separate communities
Simple Simon M-Fs... the base word is UNITY
But really all we're doing is dividing ourselves
United we stand? Well we're dying ourselves
Not killing but dying because we won't interact
We fight together but when we come home from Iraq
Everything is B-A-U. Business as usual
White people don't you get it? Rich people are using you
Black peole don't you get it? Rich people are using you
"Oh my gosh! This school of thought is unusual "
Yes it is. But think: doesn't it make sense?
Real quick, step outside of the present tense
If you had power in the past, would you give it up?
Or would you give someone 1 step from 0 so you could still be 10 above?
Come on people. Think! It's not that hard
Republican? Democrat? No. It's soothed and scarred
We are so focused on hating the other race
That we don't see what stares us dead in our face
Even those of us who fight against racial inequality
Don't think "It's economics that serves as a primary wall to me"
And then think "Well maybe it's the same for the poor cracker down the street."
And maybe he shouldn't think "I'm frugal. Niggers are cheap."
Maybe we're all the same and we need to fight the money
And if you think I'm joking, I guess you find tax brackets funny
I'm going on and on trying to drill it in your heads
And I'll probably be saying the same thing until I'm dead
Because we're all so dumb that we can't get past an exterior
While we see race, to them money makes us inferior.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
It's an economic screen
There's an economic scheme
There are economic teams
See, black or white, wealth is the goal
There are blacks and whites both selling their souls
For diamonds, green paper, silver, and gold
But often, that's not the story that's told
We are told that the white man tried to keep us down
They are told that black folks try to rob the town
Blind via welfare
So who the hell cares
About how much we have in common
Not race but I know which room I'm in
Not race but room... Peep the knowledge
Thanks to my majors I learned a lot in college
But anyway, back to the "Room Over Race" theory
Let's see if I can explain "Room Over Race" clearly
Blacks or whites, many came here to serve
Not "slavery." "Indentured" was the word
But at that point, there were more poor than rich
And what if, one day, the poor called it quits?
Well, let's divide and conquer
Provide and sponsor
One color with some status
Maybe that will end the madness
See, there were servants rebelling
And, where that was going, there's no telling
So let's say "Not rich vs. poor. Black vs. white"
And with that went the real fight
Only to be masked for hundreds of years
Only to be masked by blood sweat and tears
We're fighting race when we should be fighting poverty
The whole time not blacks but the wealthies are really robbing me
Hmmmm... never thought about that
Never thought about who really won't cut us some slack
"Us" being the people who work hard everyday
Black, white, green, yellow, we are all the same
We are all in the pursuit of happiness
But too many blacks, whites, greens, yellows, aren't happy yet
Sure there are a few whites and fewer blacks who are happiest
But we're too focused on the simple things we have in common
Not the fact that while most of us are eating Ramen
Or maybe you say Ramen
Either way, the filet mignon eaters are payin'
Us much less than we are worth
And what do we do? Continue to go to a separate church
Frequent separate bars. Live in separate communities
Simple Simon M-Fs... the base word is UNITY
But really all we're doing is dividing ourselves
United we stand? Well we're dying ourselves
Not killing but dying because we won't interact
We fight together but when we come home from Iraq
Everything is B-A-U. Business as usual
White people don't you get it? Rich people are using you
Black peole don't you get it? Rich people are using you
"Oh my gosh! This school of thought is unusual "
Yes it is. But think: doesn't it make sense?
Real quick, step outside of the present tense
If you had power in the past, would you give it up?
Or would you give someone 1 step from 0 so you could still be 10 above?
Come on people. Think! It's not that hard
Republican? Democrat? No. It's soothed and scarred
We are so focused on hating the other race
That we don't see what stares us dead in our face
Even those of us who fight against racial inequality
Don't think "It's economics that serves as a primary wall to me"
And then think "Well maybe it's the same for the poor cracker down the street."
And maybe he shouldn't think "I'm frugal. Niggers are cheap."
Maybe we're all the same and we need to fight the money
And if you think I'm joking, I guess you find tax brackets funny
I'm going on and on trying to drill it in your heads
And I'll probably be saying the same thing until I'm dead
Because we're all so dumb that we can't get past an exterior
While we see race, to them money makes us inferior.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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