Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Selfishness Begets Stupidity

So, I felt like writing today. I was on the phone the other day with a friend of mine. Older guy in his 60s. He and I were talking about the fact that we will never get out of this $15,000,000,000,000.00 of debt we are in as a nation (I had to spell it out so you would be able to really see the impact... but if seeing words helps, that is FIFTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS). Ok, now, I have a very simple solution to this but it goes against everything capitalism stands for - LET'S ALL SHARE!!! For 5 years, why not be taxed at a higher rate, try out this socialism thing, and pay off our debt. I say it all the time, but you cannot build a house in a hole. That goes for anything in life, but especially right now. You cannot build a positive while in a negative without first reaching zero. We're putting money into a hole right now and continually digging that hole deeper and deeper. High school students getting new phones every 6 months. Soccer moms buying new cars every other year. Kids wanting $250 sneakers that serve no practical purpose other than to keep fecal matter off your feet. And a lot of this bought on credit. If it isn't bought on credit, it's taking cash away from something that is purchased on credit.

And then all of these senseless government sponsored programs! How are we spending $10,000 on every pound we lift out of space but we can't afford to get out of financial bondage? Come on people. Frugality and taxation!!!

In short, I propose a bill that forces frugality on our nation because right now we look like a nation of idiots. And I don't like being associated with idiots so someone needs to make a change. But we are too selfish to subject ourselves to aggressive taxations. So we keep digging this iHole because all iCan think of is mySelf.

Taxes would fix all this.

Food for thought.

And your input does matter. If everyone pitched in, we'd be in a better position.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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