I killed Troy Davis. You killed Troy Davis. Jim, John, Paul, Molly, Susie, and Lisa killed Troy Davis. Anyone who wanted him to be freed played a role in killing him. Honestly, the politicians did their jobs. I'm sure they all did their research. I'm sure they've known about this situation for the past 22 years. This story is almost as old as me. So why did I only hear about it within recent months. And why did it just hit twitter this week? Because the media, which is run first by people with money and secondly by people who don't look like Troy, doesn't care to give us a chance to help him. Let it be someone who will increase their ratings or the amount of newspapers they sell and I guarantee you will see it hit the front page. But too often the poor and/or the black don't keep up with the news. Why didn't politicians run on the promise, "I will make sure Troy Davis is freed?" Because we didn't press the issue. Don't rely on anyone but yourself to inform you of the issues that you should be concerned with. That's like me telling a grown man, "You need to eat your vegetables." Why should I have to do that? If you want to die, die. If you want to be taken for granted as a citizen who doesn't care about his future, don't read. Don't write your politicians. Don't vote. I called up to D.C. when I heard about this. But what else could I have done? I could have posted a blog post before today. I could have written a letter. I could have marched. I didn't. You didn't. None of us did.
One of my brothers said today, "Blacks from the 60's run circles around us... Us, with our degrees, Internet and black president." It is too true. We have all of these resources at our disposal but what do we do with them? Make horrible music, expect everything for free, and complain when people don't get freed from prison at will. Stuff takes work. It takes time. It takes dedication and, most of all, it takes sacrifice. We work so hard to make sure our kids have a comfortable future without realizing that money alone can't buy comfort in a political system that will still see them as second class citizens. So, yes, let's work our jobs like the yuppies that we are (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/yuppie). But let's also keep the fight that our activist ancestors had. And that's for everyone, regardless of race. White people, your ancestors were activists too. Revolutionary war? Revolt. Confederate States of America? Fighting against a system you didn't believe in. Native Americans, activism can be silent and it is not always victorious. The Trail of Tears is a result of your activism. Japanese Americans, you all made America apologize for your internment during WWII. We were a nation of activist... so what the hell happened? We became a nation of involuntary accessories to murder.
Now watch most of you read this and not repost it. That's cool. That's why this cycle will continue. Are you a part of the solution or apart of the problem?
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
I'm really feeling this post my brother. true stuff!!