In case you missed my rant on Twitter yesterday, here are some great reasons I thought of to vote Reko Daye for UNCG's Homecoming King... And yes, I do officially and unofficially endorse Bro. Reko Daye for UNCG's homecoming king. So follow him on Twitter @aDAYE_fit4aKING, add him on FB, join the FB group, tell your friends to vote for him. If you don't know him, go by the info desk. He's probably there. Basically do whatever it takes to make sure my brother wins.
*Queens, I'm so cool w/ 4 of you all running that I'm not going to fight that battle.
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he knows how to cool off when under pressure
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he doesn't care if you're black, white, or orange. He sees blue and gold (well, blk and gold too but you know...)
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's cooler than me and that's pretty darn cool
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c his line name is sp-Art-iC-usE... come on ppl... It's destiny
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c my mom said you all should (no really though, she loves him like a son)
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c his name is cool. Reko Daye?! You can't have a name like that and not be cool
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he was my resident... Thus, he has all the tools I had plus he can dance (well)
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c @voteMADDIEqueen said so and you don't want to get on her bad side
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's your favorite Alpha's favorite Alpha. (Yes, I know I'm #1 in you all's eyes)

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's just soooooo happy
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he works hard in school
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is from Durham
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he was an Ace Honcho as a first semester sophomore... I will say no more
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he really cares about the future of UNCG
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's probably your friend
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c once, when I was broke, he paid my phone bill for me. #ThatsABrother
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's an impeccable decision maker
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c, not only can he read, he does read
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's got a great sense of humor
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he has the cutest little sister and she will smile for you all if he wins but she might cry if he loses
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he works in the EUC... I just feel like that's a great place to have the face of UNCG
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is creative
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is always focused on strengthening his mind, body, and spirit
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he has patience
#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is the embodiment of the American Dream
#ReasonsToVoteForReko could go on all night but y'all get the point... So vote for my brother @aDAYE_fit4aKING
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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