Friday, December 23, 2011

The Concords He Never Wore (1993-2011)

Today at 12:00 AM, some sneakers called "Concords" came out. I think they're Jordans and are likely $150-$200 but I'm not certain. I've never been one of those people to get caught up in what clothes are "cool." I was always more concerned with which ones would get me the job. But I digress.

Last night I saw on Twitter that some guys in Greensboro robbed a truck that was delivering them. That's crazy but I'm not surprised. Then I get to work this morning and my co-worker tells me people at malls across Charlotte were fighting to get a pair. I thought that to be absurd but some people have nothing else going for them so fighting over a pair of sneakers that will get them the girl of their dreams (and my nightmares) makes sense to them. The final idotic (and truly tragic) occurance pertaining to these shoes was the murder of Tyreek Jacobs who just turned 18 years old on November 4th. What is wrong with people? I am more scared for the future than I am disappointed in the present. Sadly we cannot do anything to bring young Tyreek back. But we can try to solve the problem.

We need character education in schools. I don't know how you're supposed to effictively teach character but it has to happen. Hard work and integrity are dying. They must be revived lest you want your children dying over their tumblers (yes, I'm talking about the coffee mugs. Killing someone over that makes as much sense as over some sneakers: NONE). It still takes a village to raise a child. So when you see someone else's kid acting idiotic, say something. Well actually, I don't know. He might shoot you for embarassing him (That was supposed to be a joke but it's really a concern of most people's these days.)

By the way, the saddest thing is, it's often blacks killing other blacks over this. Yes I said it. And I wouldn't be mad if a white person said it because it's the shameful truth. The reason the Klan is no longer needed is because we are lynching ourselves without thinking twice.

Sidenote: I quickly searched for the shoes on Google. These shoes aren't even new!!! They're rereleasing some old Jordans. $180.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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