Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Few. The Proud. The Ladies

I usually don't do this but this is going to be a venting post. If you don't feel like hearing it, I suggest you wait until I write another post.

I am old fashioned. If you know me, you know this. But these days, women have forced me to expect them to all have had a promiscuous stage in their lives. It's the norm. Thing is, my lady hasn't had one. So then I'm thinking "Damn, I know some girls who get it in while w/ their boyfriends." But mine really doesn't mess up. And, as crazy as that is, it gives me hope. It lets me know that, though few and far between, there are still good women out here. No. Let me correct that. There are good women who sleep around. My lady is exceptional. For that I love her.

And yes, before you all come at me with the "That's not fair" statements, I know it's not. But you know what? It's life. Sadly, men are expected to have a promiscuous stage. It happens. And the day that you find a way to make everything fair, I propose that you remove that double standard right after racism. But it's not going to happen anytime in our lifetimes so right now I'm addressing the issue at hand - the frequency of women who have been known (like Adam knew Eve) by far too many men.

Ok. Vent session over. Back to my opinionated, advisory, and spiritual posts. In the words of Kwamè Carrol-Bey, whose return next week is highly anticipated, "Hotep."

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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