I wonder why we are so concerned with political progress in the Middle East but not focusing any comparable effort in Africa, specifically in Darfur. Has everyone forgotten about the fact that the US still has not taken an official position on what is going on in the Sudan? It cracks me up because the American mainstream media (which is owned by 11 companies) determines what topics stay on our mind. We are something like sheep being herded. The problem is that it is so easy to open our mouths as we are spoon fed this packaged bologna (Sidebar: How that is pronounced boloney I really don't know). But it takes time and determination to really find the truth. There is no way that all these grassroots newspapers and blog sites are credible sources of information so the time it would take to figure out which ones are and aren't is often not worth it.
I really have no solution but instead just wanted to draw the attention of my dedicated fan base (all 3 of you) to the fact that sometimes we really do have to think about the bologna that we are being fed by mass media. And it's not about these television anchors or producers (shout to Sonie) or anyone like that. This goes much higher than them. Change has to come from the top and right now that's not happening so we've got to at least be aware when we do realize that topics are slowly being eased out of the spotlight so that we can follow up.
For me, the issues of the black community which are tossed in the backseat are especially troublesome. For instance, what ever happened to the Jena 6 situation? And when the crosses were burned on the lawns of blacks in Durham a couple years ago - was anyone ever convicted? Maybe these things aren't important to some but the Enron scandal was covered in its entirety. Even the life of entertainers are given daily coverage. Does that mean we, as Americans, value our entertainment and our money more than we do humanitarian efforts, legislative actions and cultural relations?
Don't hesitate to believe that if we fail to think for ourselves we will be told how to think. This is not 1984 and I am not Winston. I have my own agenda and it will not be dictated by Big Brother.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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