If I see the lady from a distance, the first thing I'll look for is for her to have a nice overall shape. It's not so much about big or small as much as about a nice figure. I'm also into brown- and dark-skinned girls so they'll probably catch my attention first. Nothing against anyone of any other complexion because, at the end of the day, a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman but everyone has preferences and complexion is one of mine.
If I am fortunate enough to run into her up close the first time I see her, I look for nice eyes, a nice smile, nice hair (long or short, as long as it's done nicely, there is potential).
The most important thing is the manner in which she carries herself. I saw a girl the other week who was out @ a public pool in the middle of the day intentionally showing off things that she should have kept to herself. If you don't come across as a lady from the jump, I probably will not take you seriously. It's not about what you do and with who but about who knows how you like to get down. Everyone shouldn't know that a female is a "freak." If she is for her man that's great, but otherwise, chill out. Some guys might try to wife you but I can guarantee that I will not be that guy. I subscribe to the belief that you can't turn a garden tool into a housewife. That's not to say that she can't change but that is on her to change.
I believe that ladies are an endangered species. That statement was not made to compare you all to animals, but taxonomically, you all are on a completely different level than the general human female based on thought process alone. And I can say the same about gentlemen; there are very few of us left. It is quite possible that the killing off of one served as a catalyst for the death of of the other but I believe that we should be working to revive a sense of mutual respect and responsibility between our genders.
I suggest that those of us who are ladies and gentlemen take someone younger than us and mentor them. Ladies, if you see another young female on campus who seems like she's on the line (or even past it), talk to her. Be her friend first and her mentor second. Don't let her walk around dressed like she should be on the Vegas strip b/c the young man who I am mentoring will probably not look her way and, if he is anything like me, she will want him to.
Let's make it cool to be ladies and gentlemen once again. And let's kill this misconception that because you can wear a tie with some hard bottom shoes or a dress with some heels that that's all it takes. Instead of wanting to be Mr./Mrs. Sean Carter, we should aspire more to be like Mr./Mrs. Cliff Huxtable. A very idealistic view, but mine none the less.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
MENTORING is so great. I always try to live like I am an example,because you never know who is watching, and you never know who might need someone to guide them. I've have people tell me years down the line, you know, when you did such and such you really change my life. I couldn't believe it. You never know when you may touch someone's heart. And as far as being a Ladies and Gentleman, I agree 100%. Lets love ourselves, so when the time comes, someone will be able to love us. ♥
ReplyDeleteI tried to comment at work but apparently that's blocked.
ReplyDeleteIf a guy is a freak or a player, can he be a gentleman? If yes, please acknowledge the unfair and nonsensical double-standard.
I believe that you can be a gentleman/lady and date around at the same time. Being a gentleman/lady is not so much about your numbers as much as about the way you carry yourself in public. If you are an eligible bachelor or bachelorette who enjoys dating, have fun. Being a gentleman or lady about the way you carry yourself. Going around and openly sleeping with a bunch of girls is not behavior befitting a gentleman. But dating a few people, trying to figure out who you would like to settle down with is perfectly alright for a gentleman or a lady to do as long as no one that (s)he is with thinks they are being exclusive. Just my take on it.