Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Welcome to the Good Life

I love being a young man in college. It is such a good feeling to know that, right now I have no real responsibilities outside of myself. I am financially self-sufficient. Life might not be perfect, but I know how to have fun. I take good care of my body, I go out with friends occasionally, and I take time everyday to better myself spiritually and intellectually. I can go take a walk when I want to. I can go on dates when I feel like it. I am living the good life.

When I get out of college, I won't have the opportunity to take an extended summer vacation where I can just work on myself. I won't be able to go to class for 3 or 4 hours a day and and then choose what I do for the rest of the day. Waking up and starting my day at 10 am will never be an option.

This time in life is so fun. So don't take it too seriously. Realize that it is important to set yourself up for success but also know that life will happen the way it's supposed to and right now, all you really have to do is live.

Disclaimer - This post is strictly directed at those working toward a bachelor's degree. If you have graduated, are not a full time student, have children, or aren't in school, you don't have the luxury of enjoying things as much so please don't think that your day should begin at 10. You should be up 7 so you can be at a job interview by 8. Still use free time to better yourself but responsibilities come first.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

1 comment:

  1. They say your college years are the best years of your life. And so far, that tune rings loud and clear for me. I'm not sure that many college students are completely 'financially self-sufficient,' as you state, however. I know I'm not. I have to ask for a little cash every so often. I still come home during the summers to my parents' home and live under their roof that they pay for, not me. I'd say once I have my own home, car, insurance, etc., then I'm financially self-sufficient.

    Also, don't knock those of us who don't wake up at 7am. Some people work different shifts, not just your standard 8 or 9 to 5 or 6. And I know I'm personally more productive at night, so I think it just depends on your personality and what your need to get done. That's what I learned working in the news business. Some people have to come in at midnight and work until 10am. So they have to go to bed around 4pm.As long as you are being productive, whatever hour it is, you don't have to live my society's standards of early or late.
