Capitalism is a system in which the objective is to own as much as you can... It takes money to own anything... The Bible says the love of money is the root of root of all evil... Therefore, by me using deductive reasoning, I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is the root of all evil in contemporary society. Does that mean America, as a whole, is evil? Well being that America continually professes to be the leader of the free world and the Word says that the world is evil, I think that saying our nation is a cesspool which breeds evil would not be too far fetched. This is not to say that there is no good coming from the nation. It's just saying that, the more greedy and materialistic we get, the further from God we get. I bet everyone can fill in this blank - "Sex ----s." Right. Money. Food for thought.
If you're thinking "deja vu," type "capitalism" into the blog's search bar. I'm pretty much revisiting a previous post from a different angle.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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