We have to stop wars... We have to get out of the "habit of war. It's more than a habit. It's an addiction... Is it possible that having military bases in over 100 countries arouses a lot of antagonism (and) provokes terrorism when (you're) all over the world occupying this country and that? ... Why do we have to be a military superpower? Why can't we be a humanitarian superpower?" -- Howard Zinn
The reason most countries hate the United States of America is because we are on their land there telling them what to do with their cultures, as if we've had it right for our nation's entire history. Great Britain abolished slavery before we did but did they come to the United States and say "Free the blacks because we did it first?" No. They let the U.S.A. fix its own mistakes. They let the nation kill and abuse human slaves. Hmmm...
First of all, it is not right to watch another nation inhumanely treat it's citizens. And I wish Britain had come with the goal of setting us free. But they didn't. So how hypocritical is it of us to tell another nation what injustices they will cease immediately? I am a man, and, however barbaric it may be, if another man comes into my home and says "You're going to eat dinner at 7pm instead of your traditional 3pm because I said so," I'm going to do my darndest to throw him out of my home just because of the sheer disrespect he just showed me by demanding that I do something in my own home.
So, there is an alternative to this - How about we fight ihumanity with love? Crazy concept right?! Because, the thing is, everytime we fight it with violence, we end up instilling more and more hatred against ourselves. It's easy to send resources to the nations that support you. That's like giving your cousin a meal... it's expected and it's not really that nobel of an act. But when you give a meal to a vagabond, one who looks like he doesn't fit in and has characteristics you deem unbecoming, then you are truly maturing. We are an immature nation. We have a lot of growing to do.
This is not to say we should not defend ourselves. But let's stop provoking and antagonizing these nations that are smaller than us because, they might not have size but they definitely do have heart and that's what left Goliath on his back.
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown
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