Monday, November 14, 2011

Greek Theater (A Lesson in Humility)

Not to any one person or organization but rather each person in each organization from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., and any others who might feel the need to disrespect other Greeks.

Ok, so people did whatever they did and that's cool but stop acting like it was something it wasn't. Yes, it might have been the hardest thing you've ever been through but please believe me, someone went harder than you did so please don't disrespect what anyone else went through unless you want someone to call you out. And that's just on some life stuff, not even just on some other stuff. Don't forget that we have all been humbled and it can easily happen again. Always have the highest respect for your letters but also be respectful of everyone elses. I love everyone who crossed Fall 2008 at UNCG NPHC because, even if there was the superficial organizational "beef" or occasional step show disses, overall, we have a great relationship because of mutual respect. Where is that respect today? Right now I just see a lot of people acting like they don't like another organization just because of some colors. Well guess what? OH and NP used to hang out together after I crossed. And ADZ knows they are always welcome in my home, just like Pi Zeta is, because Twan and I built that relationship after we crossed. Maybe it's just a new age but can we please work on these relationships?

Oh yeah, and we all paid an exorbitant amount of money (some figures higher than others but still all figures high) and we all signed some paperwork and we all went to classes to learn about our organizations. Just in case anyone forgot.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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