Thursday, May 24, 2012

Perspective is Key - 09-11-2021

It is great to see that someone else sees things the way I do. Why can't we, as Americans, look at ourselves from our "enemy's" point of view.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beware of Yourself

This is one of the best things I have read in a while. Be conscious in all that you do. I plan to commit it to memory this. It wouldn't hurt anyone else to do the same.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Trayvon Martin's Thug Wear Got Him Shot

Geraldo Rivera decided to go on Bill O'Reily's show and say "“I think what’s far more significant is what Trayvon Martin looked like on that night, Bill. Aside from the fact that he’s dressed in that thug wear — look at the size of him, he’s not a little kid."

So, as now for my rebuttal to such an ignorant comment.

What if I go into a bank, which is likely run by people who look like the same (few) white people who, on a corporate level, blindly rob the working man everyday , and I decide to take these innocent white people hostage until I get every dollar of mine that someone else is misusing?  Is that right?  Or what if I walk up to a Latino who is out w/ his buddies at Walmart on a Sunday afternoon and ask him how much he would charge to mow my lawn?  The jeans and tee shirt that he is wearing at that moment don't tell me that he is actually a Vice-President at Wells Fargo and could afford to pay me to mow his lawn.  Or, what if I saw a Middle Eastern woman in Harris Teeter without her face covered and asked "Does your husband know you're out like this?" when she is actually a Christian who has not practiced the Islamic faith a day in her life?

Those were all racist statements but statements that many Americans would make if we were to think on a basic level.  If I offended you, it was not intentional.  But this Simple-Simon, sorry excuse for a journalist is doing what 5 year old children are instructed not to do; he is judging a book by its cover and using that to justify the alleged murder of Trayvon Martin (I say "alleged" because 1 - I was not there; 2 - this is America and Zimmerman is still innocent until proven guilty).

Mr. Rivera, if you are reading this, I beseech you, don't forget that you are a minority as well.  If you were not of such high status, your son, who is also a young minority, could have been Trayvon Martin.  Your son could have been leaving the gym in a hoody and could have been shot.  Don't be that minority who is making excuses for the murder of others at the hands of yet another minority.  Call it what it is - prejudice and discrimination.

By the way, I know plenty of white kids who wear hoodies too.  But if they're "dressed in that thug wear," you can still see the white on their hands from any angle.  Do you think we'd be having this discussion about thug wear if Trayvon Martin's hands were white?  I highly doubt we'd be having any discussion about the matter at all until it happened to someone else.

For the story that lead me to write this post,

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Limits on Free Speech

Ok, maybe people think I shouldn't say this. Look at the rest of my posts and you'll see I am not the most politically correct blogger and I really don't care whether you agree or not. Anyway, it's just my opinion.

Tonight, I was at the Drake show and, to make a long story short, he gave all the white folks there a pass for the night in telling them they could use the word "nigga" while at the show. I have a huge problem with this because I don't even use the term in mixed company out of respect for whites since, in my mind, they should not use the word. So I need the same respect. The word shouldn't be used in mixed company. I can deal with Latinos using it b/c it is culturally acceptable in many places. I don't know anywhere that it is truly acceptable for white folks to toss the word around. Maybe Canada. But, Drake, you're not in Canada anymore.

Monday, May 14, 2012


It's looking like Congress is going to raise the interest rates on our loans.

Flood your timeline and their mentions.  Tell each of them, regardless of party, not to raise your loan debt.  Tell them you cannot afford to pay any more than you already are.  Their job is to get relected.  They have to listen to us.

US House of Representatives (NC's Representatives)
Heath Shuler (of NC District 11) has no Twitter account at this time

US Senate (NC's Senators)

Not from NC?  Not connected to Twitter?  Check out the complete list of social media sites for elected officials from across the nation at

Hold your officials accountable or pay for it.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, May 4, 2012

N.Y. N-----s or B.K. B-----s?

This was printed in the New York Post.  Phil Mushnick (an old white man) decided that, in order to get his point across, he would write this.  I don't hate white people but I hate the system that allows things like this to be printed in the news.  I'm not saying he shouldn't have freedom of speech but no major news outlet should print that because they should be fearful of the perception that they support the use of this language.  This guy might not be racist.  He might have a black friend he can call on to say "Yeah, Phil is a great guy!"  But the issue is, he was inconsiderate in writing this and the New York Post was equally inconsiderate first in posting it and second in not reprimanding him for having the audacity to even submit an article with such offensive language that HE selected.  May I reiterate that this was not him quoting Jay-Z directly.  Phil Mushnick decided to write this.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The One of The Tenth

I never wanted to be famous, just great
That's why most of what I say holds weight
And if you don't understand it, that's cool
But I am not one to argue with fools
So I just let it ride and keep writing for writing's sake
I keep writing because so much is at stake
I can't just stand by and watch our society fail
I was made for more.  Canyou not tell?
I am Du Bois' Talented Tenth
I don't do it to pay rent
I do it to make sure my kids have it better
I intentionally select every word's letter
There's there and their and they're
And me not knowing the difference wouldn't be fair
To those who had to risk lashings to learn
So I will learn and in turn I'll earn
Until I am in a casket or an urn
You people are stuck watching modern day "As The World Turns"
Basketball Wives and Housewives and Porn Wives
When you need to be worrying about bettering your lives
But I'll get off my soap box.  Really I'm done.
Just know that, out of that Tenth, you could be the one.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown