Friday, June 25, 2010

Playboi TRE card.jpg

Need I say more? W3 DA BRUHS!!!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

What's Going On

"Mother, mother, there's too many of you crying. Brother, brother, brother, There's far too many of you dying. You know we've got to find a way to bring some lovin' here today ." - - Marvin Gaye

I just had a great talk with some black mothers at SOAR about the state of Black America. We've got to do better.

It's on this generation to bring us back to the days when we still had that hunger. Until the 80s we were so driven. What we don't see is that, though The Man "gave" us affirmative action, he also gave us crack (no quotation marks that second time). That led to a generation of fiends, crack babies, gang rivalries, and black on black crime, all of which was unprecedented. On top of all that, our strength was taken from us: the black men. Don't get me wrong... I love my black women, but right when black men were getting strong, right when they had a King, an X, a Marshall to emulate, the rug was pulled out from under them.

We can't let that happen again. We have a president in office who is letting all these kids know that they can do any and everything that they want. So what is probably going to happen? The system is going to try to pull us back under. Look at the constant increase in the cost of education. We blame it on a recession, but I think it is more than that. In the eyes of the "powers" that be (all true power lies in His hands), there are too many black students and poor students going to college. We have come to the realization that education is key. Knowledge leads to change. The root of the word knowledge is know. We now know that we can reach any position in this nation. So what can stop us from getting there? Honestly, nothing but propaganda and self-detriment. And that's what we are being fed... propaganda. Listen to the music that is thrown into our communities; Wacka Flocka? Gucci Mane? Soulja Boy? (I don't mean to go in on the southern rappers but the aforementioned guys are the worst lyrically). Music is motivation. Our parents' or grandparents' generation had Marvin Gaye and Al Green and Aretha Franklin. We have our lyricists too but they work they do is nullified by these cats singing about their pretty boy swag.

Anyway, I have been ranting. But I guess that's what blogging is... venting. Just some food for thought. Let it digest.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tell 'em Why You Mad Son!!!

Disclaimer: I know I am not racist. I have a lot of white friends who I know I can lean on and who are great people. I do not hate any race.

However I do have an immense hate for the system which has been put in place to perpetuate this white supremacist ideology. I hate the fact that my people, not only black but also those who are less well-off or impoverished, have such a hard road to travel. I need a change to come because I really want to have unconditional love for this nation, but right now it is far from where it needs to be.

Racism is no longer blatant but instead is institutionalized in the form of the SAT, ACT, and GRE which are culturally biased, the welfare system which cripples our people instead of providing is with assistance and instruction, the no child left behind legislation which rewards schools which perform at a high level and punishes those who really need the help, the legal system that targets young black men, and so on and so forth. We are no longer being lynched by men in white robes who burn crosses. Instead it is being done by those in black robes who hold gavels. And this lynching is not physical but instead systematic and cultural. This system is not working for me or mine but it is keeping the rich whites in power and that is why I hate it. I don't want a hand out (even though, America, you do owe me reparations). I just want the playing field to be even. I don't want to have to be better than the whites who I am competing with. But I do. So I will.

In short, I hate the system. But I will work it and I will change it, even if it is only a minor change. I am better than the stereotype and guess what? I'm going to show the stereotype that he is too. End of story.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Made My Bed

I sometimes wonder if life is going to come back and bite me. I'm actually kind of scared that all the wrong I've done is going to come back to me in some form or fashion. Don't get me wrong, I never killed anyone or sold anyone crack or robbed someone, but I have done my share of dirt. And I feel like it would be just my luck for things to happen right when I am pretty happy. I know I cannot undo the past but I can change the future. I hope He is giving me a clean slate. I pray that, even though I made my bed, I don't have to lie in it. I am changed, but I wonder if that is enough to dodge the dreaded "you reap what you sew" verse. Say a prayer for me please. I want this joy to stay.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Used To Be Tight

You ever lose a friend?

Not "lose" in the sense of death. I mean "lose" like "Damn. We used to be so tight. Now we don't talk at all. What happened?"Last week I kicked it w/ some of my boys from home. Today I talked with my best friend from high school who I haven't spoken with since December. I really miss my friends even though we have taken different paths.

I have lost too many friends during my time at UNCG. Some I lost the moment I graduated high school, others I lost gradually as I worked to graduate from college. It really isn't a good part of life, but I guess it is a necessary one.

As we grow people change. I sure as hell have changed. Sometimes we change at a rate that mirrors that of our friends. Sometimes we don't. I was thinking about grad school when I graduated from high school. Now that I'm preparing to graduate from college, I'm planning my steps toward being stable enough to have a family and retire by 50. Humbly speaking, I am always mentally ahead of most of those who are demographically beside me.

But that makes life hard. I get frustrated with people not having aspirations. You don't need to know where you will be step by step in 10 years but you need to be taking some steps toward somewhere. Complacency is not attractive. But I find that so many people who are initially interesting lose their appeal because they have no real life goals. "I want to be rich" or "I want to get married" isn't enough. You have to know what you want and how you plan to get there. Otherwise you are just going through the motions, only to eventually hit a wall that you can't scale because you've been taking baby steps toward nowhere your entire life.

That's why I lose most of my friends. There are a certain relationships that I let go of because it just wasn't there anymore. But in those situations, I still say "Damn. We used to be so tight."

To everyone who I consider a friend, ever considered a friend, or will consider a friend, I will always give you my first and my last. That is a promise..

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We Are Blessed

"My life is important too." - - Anna Fitzgerald from "My Sister's Keeper"

Watching "My Sister's Keeper," and I really pray that my kids are healthy. I really am blessed to not have any health issues. So are most of the people who are reading this blog right now. I am so blessed and so fortunate. That is all.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Time is Ticking

Yesterday I was sitting at lunch w/ some of my co-workers (7 young ladies and 2 other young men) and the conversation somehow moved toward wedding rings. The figure $15,000 got thrown out. Then 10. Then 5. I was then told that a ring should at least be 2 and a half months of your salary. If I come out getting 40/year, the ring will fall right between that 5 and 10. Then I went to the movies last night to see Sex in the City II and it was, of course, all about marriage and families. So I was sitting around thinking, "Wow. When I get out of school, I am going to really have to get prepared to give my family a comfortable life." But then I was thinking, I don't want to be that father and husband who throws money instead of time at problems. Based on my timeline (which means nothing to God), I have about 7 years to get all my shit together before little D3 is running around. So from now on, I am putting $1 into savings for my future every day of every year on top of the 20%/check that already is in the budget. Life is moving fast. I've got to stay ahead of the rest.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Retired Jersey

"My intentions are good, but most importantly, my actions match." -- Deryle Daniels, Jr.

I won't lie. Falling in love is something that I didn't want to do. Especially not with her because I could see that she had the potential to be exactly what I needed. I was playing the game and playing it well, if I do say so myself. Juggling like a clown and always doing the opposite of what a loser does. I had just gotten off line, was a member of the Playboi Pi Zeta chapter and I was recently single. So why risk giving all that up? For the same reason I didn't want to fall in love with her... because I knew what potential she had. For over a year, I had noticed the way she carried herself around campus. She came in more mature than most of her peers and I saw her grow even further apart from them. I saw a focus in her that made me smile. She was driven, intellectual, and positive. Who wouldn't want someone like that? Me. Because I knew that, in order to take advantage of the opportunity to date someone so like-minded, I would have to give something up. That something would have to be the game. At first I was somewhat hesitant. You know, it wasn't like I was going to completely cut off everyone else after the first couple dates. But soon, I was talking to her every night. We were enjoying one another's company. We knew it was time to give the game up. It was hard, but I did. Not for me to be happy, but for her to feel safe in our relationship. I don't want either of us to ever get too comfortable, but safety and security is one thing that is a must. I feel like we have that, all provided by God.
Just some things on my mind.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Told You So

Told You So

The yard is my track. Y'all cats are behind me
I stay in front of you so it's not too hard to find me
I had to pick up a Michelle for my Barack-like reign
You didn't know? This is a Barack type thang
I'm the president of the presidential phrat
Yeah you know; them bois in the old gold and black
Kelly green lining to make the light shine harder
Y'all niggas ride the bench. Playbois are starters
No disrespect intended, only truth spoken
You can smell it thru the wrapper. Lyrics are so potent
I go 3 times harder than most
Known from Oregon to Florida's coast
And my girl is a dime's dime. That's 10's 10
Don't understand it? Let me say it again
Dime's dime. Spring 10's 10
OH no, your chick is a loss and mine is a win
Pound sign preceding the whole phrase
My topics trend almost everyday
Yours? Well they die in silence
I'm a scholar who's glad I didn't die from violence
You think you know but you have no idea.
As to some of the things you don't know I did
I go to college now but before I did
Some crazy things. I was a crazy kid
But I'm reformed now headed to a top that you can't see
Yea, right now you might call me D3
But give it some time. You might call me boss
Your levels of wins are what I'd call a loss
Not to be rude. Just to be real
Don't be surprised when I'm at the top. You know the deal

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown