Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: Pivotal Point

Presidency. Graduation. Termination. Prayers. Curses. Love. Hate. Smiles. Tears. Pain. Joy. Strength. Weakness. Slabs. Rewards. Riches. Poverty. Through all of that, the one defining moment of the year came on the evening of October 31. I will never ever forget 2011.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

The Few. The Proud. The Ladies

I usually don't do this but this is going to be a venting post. If you don't feel like hearing it, I suggest you wait until I write another post.

I am old fashioned. If you know me, you know this. But these days, women have forced me to expect them to all have had a promiscuous stage in their lives. It's the norm. Thing is, my lady hasn't had one. So then I'm thinking "Damn, I know some girls who get it in while w/ their boyfriends." But mine really doesn't mess up. And, as crazy as that is, it gives me hope. It lets me know that, though few and far between, there are still good women out here. No. Let me correct that. There are good women who sleep around. My lady is exceptional. For that I love her.

And yes, before you all come at me with the "That's not fair" statements, I know it's not. But you know what? It's life. Sadly, men are expected to have a promiscuous stage. It happens. And the day that you find a way to make everything fair, I propose that you remove that double standard right after racism. But it's not going to happen anytime in our lifetimes so right now I'm addressing the issue at hand - the frequency of women who have been known (like Adam knew Eve) by far too many men.

Ok. Vent session over. Back to my opinionated, advisory, and spiritual posts. In the words of Kwamè Carrol-Bey, whose return next week is highly anticipated, "Hotep."

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Trials & TR3bulatio​ns

"Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties." - James Thomson

Recently, I have felt as if the world won't stop moving and actually keeps speeding up. I am consistently overwhelmed and I often make it through situations by the skin of my teeth. But then I thought last night while venting to my girlfriend, each time I make it. I don't ever fail. It just stresses me out but I never quit. And maybe this is God training me for greatness. If I can keep working through these trials and not turn my back on God, imagine how much He can trust me with later on. He has a reason for everything He does. We just have to trust Him.

By the way, my alias given to me by the Pi Zeta chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is the title of this post if you didn't get it.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, December 23, 2011

My First Retraction

I just read an article saying that no young man named Tyreek passed today as a result of a pair of sneakers. It was a story fabricated on Facebook and its fabrication ended up getting national attention. I apologize for not checking my sources. At the same time, the fights and the robbery are things that did happen and made the news. The moral of the post was, "let's reevaluate how much emphasis we put on materials. No one should be robbing or fighting anyone over a pair of shoes." That message has not changed.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

The Concords He Never Wore (1993-2011)

Today at 12:00 AM, some sneakers called "Concords" came out. I think they're Jordans and are likely $150-$200 but I'm not certain. I've never been one of those people to get caught up in what clothes are "cool." I was always more concerned with which ones would get me the job. But I digress.

Last night I saw on Twitter that some guys in Greensboro robbed a truck that was delivering them. That's crazy but I'm not surprised. Then I get to work this morning and my co-worker tells me people at malls across Charlotte were fighting to get a pair. I thought that to be absurd but some people have nothing else going for them so fighting over a pair of sneakers that will get them the girl of their dreams (and my nightmares) makes sense to them. The final idotic (and truly tragic) occurance pertaining to these shoes was the murder of Tyreek Jacobs who just turned 18 years old on November 4th. What is wrong with people? I am more scared for the future than I am disappointed in the present. Sadly we cannot do anything to bring young Tyreek back. But we can try to solve the problem.

We need character education in schools. I don't know how you're supposed to effictively teach character but it has to happen. Hard work and integrity are dying. They must be revived lest you want your children dying over their tumblers (yes, I'm talking about the coffee mugs. Killing someone over that makes as much sense as over some sneakers: NONE). It still takes a village to raise a child. So when you see someone else's kid acting idiotic, say something. Well actually, I don't know. He might shoot you for embarassing him (That was supposed to be a joke but it's really a concern of most people's these days.)

By the way, the saddest thing is, it's often blacks killing other blacks over this. Yes I said it. And I wouldn't be mad if a white person said it because it's the shameful truth. The reason the Klan is no longer needed is because we are lynching ourselves without thinking twice.

Sidenote: I quickly searched for the shoes on Google. These shoes aren't even new!!! They're rereleasing some old Jordans. $180.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, December 22, 2011


The first one came randomly and then I started tweeting about things that I learned this year. Some are jokes. Some are very serious. Serious or funny, they're just my thoughts.

I often look to the future w/ such focus that I rarely take the time to really enjoy the present... #LessonsFrom2011

Enjoy every second you have w/ parents, siblings, line, and/or friends b/c no breath is promised... #LessonsFrom2011

Everyone who went to Morehouse is not going to look out for the interests of minorities. i.e. Herman Cain. #LessonsFrom2011

Love a little b/c people die a lot... #LessonsFrom2011 #NoTypo

You can graduate from school and get a job. It might not be easy, but don't give up. #LessonsFrom2011

Greensboro will stunt your growth if you're not there making moves. #LessonsFrom2011

Knowing that you'll always have her is more important than knowing that you've "still got it." #LessonsFrom2011

Thank God when your struggles get more challenging. He obviously believes in you. Believe in yourself. #LessonsFrom2011

Alcohol is not the answer. Prayer is. #LessonsFrom2011

Hazing can go too far. No one should be dying. #LessonsFrom2011

No one can replace your parents. #LessonsFrom2011

A lot of the things people argue or are judgmental about are petty. Let it go. #LessonsFrom2011

A lot of the things people argue or are judgmental about are petty. Let it go. #LessonsFrom2011

You can healthily gain 10 solid pounds in a month if you are committed. #LessonsFrom2011

You can save a lot of money if you would combine a solid budget with discipline. #LessonsFrom2011

People you treat like friends will screw you. People you treat like family won't. #LessonsFrom2011

Ignorance in a nice suit is still ignorance. #LessonsFrom2011

The numbers on the clock are not time. They just measure it. #LessonsFrom2011

There is always someone looking up to you. Don't lead them down. #LessonsFrom2011

Don't make promises to God if you don't intend to keep them. He might call you on them. #LessonsFrom2011

Don't treat the people who treat you the best the worst. That's not fair. #LessonsFrom2011

When you get into the office place, no one (except alumni chapter neos) cares about your letters. #LessonsFrom2011

The tears will come. Only thing you can control is when. And, eventually, you can't even control that. #LessonsFrom2011

The Bible was just the beginning of God's miracles. Your last breath is the most recent of them. #LessonsFrom2011

Don't let them know your dreams. Then they can't shoot them down. #LessonsFrom2011

Unintelligent people get college degrees just as much as intelligent ones. Set yourself apart. #LessonsFrom2011

Trying to keep up w/ the Joneses will leave you in a bad position. #LessonsFrom2011

@Diverse_aphi is one of the coldest ninjas you'll ever meet. #LessonsFrom200891011

Life will blast off. #LessonsFrom2011

Cooking saves a ton of money. #LessonsFrom2011

Tweeting about who you would flip on probably means you wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. #LessonsFrom2011

@SteveDoz will start Harlem Shaking if you put some 1998-2003 era Bad Boy on. #LessonsFrom2011

People who pledged call people who didn't paper. Those people call people who do no work paper. Hmmm... #LessonsFrom2011

Lil' Wayne is going to continue to get worse. #LessonsFrom2011

The Carolina Panthers need to change their name to the Carolina Newtons... #LessonsFrom2011

The Lion King in 3D was DOPE! #LessonsFrom2011

The money goes quicker than it comes if you haven't got a plan for it. #LessonsFrom2011

Just b/c the checks stop coming doesn't mean the bills will. #LessonsFrom2011

Being able to work is a privilege. Thank God for it if you have that opportunity. #LessonsFrom2011

Nature is beautiful. Explore it with a friend. #LessonsFrom2011

Those Chick-Fil-A cows need hooked on phonics. #LessonsFrom2011

Sadly, Dickies are probably never going to come back in style for those who are on the same track as me. #LessonsFrom2011

You'll never be a kid again. But it doesn't mean you have to be a boring adult either. Find a balance. #LessonsFrom2011

Alphas aren't the only frat in the centennial club anymore. Congrats Kappas and Omegas. #LessonsFrom2011

We're still the oldest and the coldest. #LessonsFrom2011

We're still the oldest and the coldest. #LessonsFrom2011

Your problems will follow you if you run. So just stand there and knock them out. #LessonsFrom2011

Tell both of your parents that you love them every single day, even when you don't like them at that moment. #LessonsFrom2011

Tell everyone you love that you love them every day, even when you don't like them at that moment. #LessonsFrom2011

Time is not money. #LessonsFrom2011

Some people are cool with being average. #LessonsFrom2011

Being mad at God doesn't change anything. So love Him through it. #LessonsFrom2011

The govt. lied about the death of Pvt. Johnson. #LessonsFrom2011

If some people are talking bad about you, don't sweat it. If everyone is, check yourself. #LessonsFrom2011

America is going to continue to exploit Black culture. Listen to the song Hollywood Divorce. #LessonsFrom2011

There's nothing like cold pizza in the morning. #SorryForTheWait. #LessonsFrom2011

I don't do Halloween. #LessonsFrom2011

Love isn't forever if you don't work forever. #LessonsFrom2011

Welcome to heartbreak... #LessonsFrom2011

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


You can read the article --

But since some of you don't like to read, here's a quick YouTube snip it

And now my poem since some of you might read that just to support me. Thanks.

The government is corrupt
The government is messed up
No longer about the people
And never been about the steeple
Well, not about what it represents
No, we're moving to unlawful imprisonments
Of American citizens
All because of some dividends?
Well can you divide your soul?
No one knows
But I'd rather not send any of it to hell
But by putting a thinking man in jail
America is damning itself
And all of this for some wealth
No, all of this for the love
But not one that is sent from above
The love of money that is the root of evil
Thus, our nation's driving force are d'evils
Hmmm, remove the apostrophe
Devils. Is anybody watching the
Things that are going on inside your TV screen?
Or are you too busy shopping for shiny things
That you can't afford because you want to keep up
We, the people, are dumb as a nut
And I mean that collectively
And I hope that it hurt infectiously
Because I need these words to spread
Before this poem is classified "Terror Alert, Code Red"
And they take me and my OH red
Away to prision for reading
I'm the babysitter. It's knowledge that I'm feeding
To my generation that doesn't like to pick up a book
And really, they don't have to. We just have to look
At the screen that we tweet on day in and day out
But that would take some kind of devout
Conviciton and how can we have it if we don't even speak with it
No longer will they give speeding but soon "you decided to think" tickets
1984 twenty-eight years later
And I really don't want to call him Obama Vader
But, if these reports are true, he's setting us up
And this lesson is tough
I wanted to believe in the first black C.I.C.
But right now, I'd rather follow B.I.G.
What's a C.I.C.? Use context clues! It's really not that hard
And you wonder why they will have us jailed with no charge.
How can you know your rights if you don't read?
And how can you vote for him again if you don't know how he leads?
I'm not anti-Obama. I'm pro-choice
But to make a choice, I suggest you listen to more than a voice
And look at more than a complexion. He's more than swagger
Shoot, if you want a cool guy, I'm sure someone knows Mick Jagger
And it's not just the president. But it is him too
The whole government is going to do what they do
And that is lie. All except a select few
And that is why I know what I am able to tell you
But don't take my word. Look it up for yourself
NDAA = No Rights. In twitter terms, #EpicFail

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Do You Know Who Raped PFC LaVena Johnson?

Being an American is like being married to a prostitute: I love her but I don't trust her to keep my best interests at heart. Just based upon reading historic accounts throughout my life, always from multiple sources, I know that our nation hides a lot of things that will make it look bad. But I digress. My distrust of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is not the focal point of this post. The real issue at hand is the death of PRIVATE LAVENA JOHNSON. Ever heard of her? Neither had I until I happened to stumble across her name online and decided to do some research. Problem is, out of the eight initial sites I found regarding her alleged (and probable) RAPE AND MURDER, five of them popped up as unavailable. That's pretty interesting to me. One of the eight was from New Zealand so I'm pretty sure that the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT cannot regulate with what they do and don't publish there. Another site was endorsed by a congressman and tampering with that would raise even more questions.

But anyway, who is PVT. JOHNSON? Well, I am not going to take credit for the information that I have found. What I will do is provide you with links that tell her story, as well as a link to a petition that her RAPE & MURDER be investigated. Please read and share. Then call your congressman/woman and tell them to support Congressman Waxman's inquiry on PVT. JOHNSON'S RAPE AND MURDER which is being COVERed UP by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. All her parents want is an independent investigation and justice because it is improbable that this young lady, at 5'1" killed herself with an M16 after chemically mutilating her own genitalia, setting herself on fire and breaking her own nose, all while apparently crawling away for HELP...

New Zealand Herald -

Interview w/ parents -

Petition -

Soon I will be writing a post on how the media doesn't take certain stories seriously. One of the links that didn't work was from CBS television station KMOV-TV out of Missouri. So obviously CBS had the story and didn't feel that it was important enough to put on national television. Is it because she was a woman? Or because she was black? Or because the GOVERNMENT doesn't want to be seen COVERing UP a RAPE AND MURDER so they told CBS that it wouldn't receive federal funding if it ran with the story? Food for thought...

And this is not a shot at the military. I am appreciative of the soldiers. But there are evil soldiers just like there are evil civilians. And I believe that all governmental agencies are corrupt so why would a corrupt agency tell on the evils that occur under its watch?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Investments 310: Classic Courting

Last night, my friend who has become like a younger brother, Bryant, was tweeting about how people don't take love seriously anymore. I must say that I agree wholeheartedly. Everyone wants the quick winter cuddle buddy. The holiday fling. The "boo thing." And that's ok as long as you know there is much more to companionship. The nightly quickie is no longer fun when it ends right before Valentine's Day. See, a relationship takes time. It takes dedication. Desireé will be the very first to tell people that I'm not perfect. But in the same breath, she will let you know that she loves and supports me. Tomorrow, she and I will hit another milestone in our relationship. I can say that our relationship is an investment. We are investing our time first, secondly, our emotions, and lastly, our money. But, in principle, it is an investment like any other - I put in a percentage of the time, the emotion, the support, the money, the love that I hope to reap from her in the future. You give up the excitement of the risk to gain a sense of security. Only this time, the capital isn't money but instead it is like which, when it matures, can be recognized as love.

So many of our peers are scared of marriage because of today's statistics. I'm not worried because I've never been a statistic. In the words of LaRon James, "I don't think like regular people who think like regular people who don't think right." I don't believe in wasting my time. And, with each passing day, I am putting more on the principal. But I don't have to worry about getting left out to dry because she doesn't want to get me a Valentine's Day gift. If she can't get me one, that's cool. We're past that. She is already being there for me for richer and poorer and all that other stuff. That, my friends, is the difference between cuddle buddies and us. I'm in it for the long haul.

I guess this post serves two purposes - to say that the relationship thing, as scary as it is, is worth it. Almost every day, Desireé hears me talk about how nervous I am because we're getting so much closer. But I wouldn't have it any other way. The second purpose this post serves is to say "Happy Anniversary Lil' Bit."

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, December 2, 2011

Night On The Town

*photograph from Greene Street Night Club's party bus

Last night was my last night out in Greensboro as well as my 24th b-day celebration. In the words of Ronald "Boston" Sisco, it was my last night to go hard before I hit my mid-twenties. We had a great time. Much love to everyone who came to the pregame, got on the party bus, and/or was at the club with me. Thanks for all the drinks, hugs, well wishes, and memories.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Monday, November 28, 2011

Capitalism is Evil

Capitalism is a system in which the objective is to own as much as you can... It takes money to own anything... The Bible says the love of money is the root of root of all evil... Therefore, by me using deductive reasoning, I have come to the conclusion that capitalism is the root of all evil in contemporary society. Does that mean America, as a whole, is evil? Well being that America continually professes to be the leader of the free world and the Word says that the world is evil, I think that saying our nation is a cesspool which breeds evil would not be too far fetched. This is not to say that there is no good coming from the nation. It's just saying that, the more greedy and materialistic we get, the further from God we get. I bet everyone can fill in this blank - "Sex ----s." Right. Money. Food for thought.

If you're thinking "deja vu," type "capitalism" into the blog's search bar. I'm pretty much revisiting a previous post from a different angle.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Shoutout to Howie Z.

We have to stop wars... We have to get out of the "habit of war. It's more than a habit. It's an addiction... Is it possible that having military bases in over 100 countries arouses a lot of antagonism (and) provokes terrorism when (you're) all over the world occupying this country and that? ... Why do we have to be a military superpower? Why can't we be a humanitarian superpower?" -- Howard Zinn

The reason most countries hate the United States of America is because we are on their land there telling them what to do with their cultures, as if we've had it right for our nation's entire history. Great Britain abolished slavery before we did but did they come to the United States and say "Free the blacks because we did it first?" No. They let the U.S.A. fix its own mistakes. They let the nation kill and abuse human slaves. Hmmm...

First of all, it is not right to watch another nation inhumanely treat it's citizens. And I wish Britain had come with the goal of setting us free. But they didn't. So how hypocritical is it of us to tell another nation what injustices they will cease immediately? I am a man, and, however barbaric it may be, if another man comes into my home and says "You're going to eat dinner at 7pm instead of your traditional 3pm because I said so," I'm going to do my darndest to throw him out of my home just because of the sheer disrespect he just showed me by demanding that I do something in my own home.

So, there is an alternative to this - How about we fight ihumanity with love? Crazy concept right?! Because, the thing is, everytime we fight it with violence, we end up instilling more and more hatred against ourselves. It's easy to send resources to the nations that support you. That's like giving your cousin a meal... it's expected and it's not really that nobel of an act. But when you give a meal to a vagabond, one who looks like he doesn't fit in and has characteristics you deem unbecoming, then you are truly maturing. We are an immature nation. We have a lot of growing to do.

This is not to say we should not defend ourselves. But let's stop provoking and antagonizing these nations that are smaller than us because, they might not have size but they definitely do have heart and that's what left Goliath on his back.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why? Why Not?

So, I was tweeting, and I had said "in 5 yrs, who's going to care about what kind of phone you had or whether you wore RL or USPA or what org you were in? Just be a good person." I say this to say, no one gives a damn if you keep it Playboi or if you wear Ralph Lauren every day or if you get a new phone every year. We put so much emphasis on status that 1 - we always want more and 2 - we waste a ton of money. I am planning on purchasing my first car soon and today I decided that I really do not care about all the extra features or how cool it looks as long as it's good on milage and gets me from point A to point B. Why should anything else matter? So I can show off to my friends? Nope. I refuse to spend an extra dollar to look good for people who already like me. So I can get a girl? Already got one.

Don't get me wrong, having nice things is cool but let them be an investment and not pedestal upon which you look down at others or use to make others look up at you. When I have a family, I want a nice home and nice car in a nice neighborhood. But right now, I am about to move into a basic apartment and, even after purchasing this car, I am going to ride the bus to work. Why? Because it's going to save me money. Why not? Because I won't look cool going to work. And maybe I'll start wearing USPA. Why? Because it's cheaper than Ralph Lauren. Why not? "Because it's not real?" Actually it covers just as much of anyone's body as Ralph Lauren does. And maybe I won't go get an iPhone until it's free. Why? Because my phone makes calls and my iPod touch does everything the iPhone does. Why not? Because I want to keep up with everyone else.

We have to get past this superficial BS. We are all regular people. We shouldn't be too good for anything. Jesus wasn't. I'm sure Jesus didn't go to a name brand tailor. My savior was a carpenter. He walked everywhere. He couldn't afford a horse so he rode on an ass. Come on people. Let's look at ourselves and our habits and ask 2 questions: "Why?" and "Why not?" And, if, after looking down our list or responses, we have the same caliber of responses in one column that an insecure 14 year old girl would have, maybe should go with the opposing column.

And this is going to continue to be something I struggle with because, if you know me, you know I like nice things, from top shelf drinks at the bar to buying a pair of earrings that have been named "Down" and "Payment" by one of my brothers. But at least I realize that it is a problem that needs to be addressed. And now, so do you.

One more tweet I posted soon after the one that I started this article with: "If my friends don't continue growing, though I will always love them, I will outgrow them." Please grow with me.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Cole World in a Cold World

"They say time is money but really it's not..." -- J. Cole

I am currently standing in the exact same physical location and listening to the same album that I was in a month ago when I found out my father had a brain tumor. Only thing is, I feel 10 years older. Within that month, I've held my mom, sister, brother, really broke down and cried once, drank, prayed, dreamt, nightmared, planned a funeral, made it through a three-step interview process and found an apartment in my new city. It has been a crazy month. And, being here now, things have come full circle; at 24, I am the literal, figurative, and financial head of a family. Time to grit up.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Monday, November 21, 2011

Wale is a Gas Station

So, today, Cory and I were riding down to Charlotte and we had this discussion about Wale's "Ambitious Girl" tracks. The first track is a poem that he reads with a melody behind it, but it is read as spoken word and not as a rap verse. The second is an actual song. The first one I really liked, the second I didn't. But anyway, I have digressed.

OK, maybe my problem isn't with Wale. It's how the word "ambitious" is now tossed around just because a woman has on heels and a dress. A bum can put on a suit but that doesn't make him a millionaire. Our abuse of the English language is nearly felonious. We really abuse words and make them trendy, removing all intentional meaning.

My issue with this "Ambitious Girl" set (series if he decides to do more) is that he really has some of you women believing that you are ambitious. And it's not even based on what Wale said in the poem so I can't be mad at him for that. The poem really was about a woman's drive and her ability to succeed. That's cool. Not just the fact that she's in college but the fact that she's in there with goals. "I'd rather you tell me to hit you later because you've got to finish a paper." Last night I asked one of my friends why she wasn't at the Alpha Kappa Alpha probate. She said she had work she had to finish. That's drive. "I like the person that you are but I'm in love with the person that you have potential to be." I joke with my girlfriend about how much she works but she is getting her life in order now so that, when we make it to the next level, we can really enjoy our life together instead of working dead end jobs. That's ambition.

In short, stop gassing yourselves. Let's call people what they are... some are ambitious. Some are opportunists.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Crossroads - BTNH

Classic song and video. I knew all the words to this before any other rap song.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

C.ourage U.nder T.rials

"How do you cope with death knowing it's your closest flesh dead and gone? Left to mourn and hold your breath. I'm a soldier, yes, but I cry too." -- Juelz Santana

I'm sitting here listening to this song off of what is arguably my favorite rap album of all time (not the best but certainly one of my favorites). I'm just thinking to myself, "What is the proper way to mourn the loss of a parent?" This is not some normal thing to deal with at this age. I was well prepared to be the man of the family but I wasn't ready for it. And, being that I wasn't ready, I haven't taken any steps to be successful in this, my life's newest challenge. But that's life. "Deryle get out here... Now stay there." No one can pull you out.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diamonds & Pearls 2011

Some of these women I used to dig in my younger years
They still haven't changed since my younger years
I mean, these women haven't changed since The Wonder Years
Tea parties like you're a princess? Come on dear
See, I needed a former princess whose grown into a queen
A Christian, mature, strong black female human being
One who deals in reality and not in fantasy
A lady who is humble but still knows when to be fancy
Well-dressed, sexy, but leaves much to the imagination
Girls who show it all are saying "It's not worth waitin'."
And mine is worth waitin'
Shoot, mine was worth chasin'
So I put on my cross trainers and I started racin'
But anyway, enough about you all. More about her
I was on my way to sick and she is a work-in-progress cure
No one is perfect but she makes life worth it
Stick around. Some real feelings might surface
Stick around and a ring I might purchase
Stick around and we'll improve. I'm certain
But anyway, I just wanted to tell you all about herself
She's not a big drinker but I'm sure she's top shelf
She is a big thinker and that's why my heart melts
You can say it's soft but really it's heart felt
Ok, so this was a grown up poem for my grown up girlfriend
The one who I stick with, even through the whirlwinds
The one I want to hold my hand, even as the world ends
No Prince but I hope to make her my DIMEonds and Pearls friend

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Monday, November 14, 2011

Greek Theater (A Lesson in Humility)

Not to any one person or organization but rather each person in each organization from Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc., and any others who might feel the need to disrespect other Greeks.

Ok, so people did whatever they did and that's cool but stop acting like it was something it wasn't. Yes, it might have been the hardest thing you've ever been through but please believe me, someone went harder than you did so please don't disrespect what anyone else went through unless you want someone to call you out. And that's just on some life stuff, not even just on some other stuff. Don't forget that we have all been humbled and it can easily happen again. Always have the highest respect for your letters but also be respectful of everyone elses. I love everyone who crossed Fall 2008 at UNCG NPHC because, even if there was the superficial organizational "beef" or occasional step show disses, overall, we have a great relationship because of mutual respect. Where is that respect today? Right now I just see a lot of people acting like they don't like another organization just because of some colors. Well guess what? OH and NP used to hang out together after I crossed. And ADZ knows they are always welcome in my home, just like Pi Zeta is, because Twan and I built that relationship after we crossed. Maybe it's just a new age but can we please work on these relationships?

Oh yeah, and we all paid an exorbitant amount of money (some figures higher than others but still all figures high) and we all signed some paperwork and we all went to classes to learn about our organizations. Just in case anyone forgot.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Do Better Aubrey Drake Graham!

OK, I'm sitting here listening to this Drake album and I am disappointed. I wanted a rap album. If I wanted R&B, I'd listen to Gerald Levert. If I wanted to listen to some whining on an R&B track, I'd listen to Kieth Sweat. If I wanted to think about times with my ex, I'd listen to Alicia Keys. And if I wanted to listen to a whining R&B rap song that makes me think about past relationships, I'd listen to Drake. But I don't want that. I want the kind of mainstream rap that I grew up on. I want more Pac, more Big, more Jones, more Fab, more Jada. Pick a lane Drake. Or at least be exceptional at either rapping or singing. But right now you're mediocre in a market in which mediocrity is the standard. Our generation is letting you get away with musical murder. And your lyricism is on point but your lyrics are shallow. Now, I know that went over some people's heads so I'll expound upon the statement. Drake has some great metaphors and his word play is impeccable. But he's still not talking about anything. That's like putting grey pupon on a dollar burger from McDonald's. Just use regular mustard b/c it makes you expect even more from a burger that's not going to change. Ok. Well I'm judging this album early. This is my reaction and I'm only on track 5. Maybe it'll get better. I doubt it, but maybe. If it does, I'll write another post.

Oh, and by the way, Rhianna can't sing. She just talks on the track.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, November 11, 2011

Coldest Winter

Classic track

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3 Years in the Game

First of all, let me say Happy ##th Birthday Mom. Without you, I wouldn't be here.

3 years ago today, 7 young men crossed into the Pi Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated. These men are:

#Ace. Stevan S. Dozier ~ Aud-ACE-c.i.t.i.
#2. Brady S. Moore ~ Born Ident-TWO-ty
#3. Deryle A. Daniels, Jr. ~ In-TRE-c.u.t. reBUTTall
#4. Myreon L. Sutton-Johnson ~ APE-TIME
#5*. Alvin H. Francis ~ Lion-ID-us
#6. Cameron S. Ragland ~ SphInX
#7. Jeremy A. Herring ~ END-Avisible

We are D.E.A.R. WINtE.R. We are all the descendants of slaves. We are all college graduates. We are all employed (PHInally). Many thanks to Gl-ACE-SURE, Intens-A-PHI-ed, and the rest of the Playbois. 06-84-08.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

J. Cole - Lost Ones Video

I really dig this song. The video adds to it though.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Life Tips 2 - Make The Most of Your Time

Time. It is something that we all think we have, especially at a young age. I am less than one month from 24. Who is to say that I won't pass when I walk out this door? (haha... I rhymed). It is unlikely, but so was my father passing at 52 when he was apparently one of the most lively people that anyone knew. This is not to say live scared. This is to say live with a purpose. Why waste time being upset at people and not enjoying your life when tomorrow is not promised to anyone? My dad might not have been rich but he had fun and he knew he had a purpose. I am trying to learn from this. Every moment counts. Why not live it with a smile?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Life Tips 1: Fiscal Responsibility

My father just passed. I, along w/ my mother, siblings, extended family, and friends, buried him on Saturday. So, in lieu of his seemingly untimely demise, I am going to blog all week about enjoying life.

One of the easiest ways to enjoy life is to live within your means. So often we are stressed out because of money. That is usually because we spend money that we don't have on things we don't need so that we can impress people we don't even like. This is not very logical to me. We have to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses and start doing the simple things that are inexpensive but that make us happy. Don't get me wrong, sometimes, it's nice to splurge. You earned the money. You deserve it. But please tell me why we need new phones every 5 months? Do you really need a MacBook, iPod, iPad, iPad2, iPhone, AND the Beats By Dre headphones? Heck no, especially if you haven't got a job or an income that can support that kind of a lifestyle. Do you have to get a new outfit every time you go out with your friends? Then you're struggling to pay your rent or cell phone bill or your savings account has fewer cents in it than you have pounds on your body. I can say this because I've been there. But by the end of this month, I will be completely out of debt (minus those student loans, which were more of an investment than anything). And I'm not getting back in it. This is a new day. My entire view on life has changed. Instead of spending on the 64 GB iPod, why not buy the 32 and toss half of the rest in savings. Then put half of what you still have toward your savings. Finally, put that last bit toward charity. This is not a directive, just a suggestion. But why not do it once a month? Spend less on what you don't need so you can invest in your personal development. In short, spend smarter and be selfless. It's all about discipline and compassion. Believe me, in the end, you'll be happier.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, November 6, 2011

For My Father (Remarks from his Service)

My remarks from my father's homegoing service (minus a couple ad libs and the poem "The Test of a Man"). Thank you all for coming.

My entire childhood I heard about how smart and well-spoken my dad was. All of his teachers told me how much they loved him. I used to hear about how fast my dad was in high school and how he was a good cornerback but not big enough to play in college. Milford Evans said "I played football with your daddy. He hit me harder than anyone ever did." Even at times when we didn't have tickets, somehow we got into every home Carolina football game I asked to go to. When we'd go to his old neighborhood, everyone would call me "Little Jack" because his nickname was "Apple Jack." I remember how, throughout elementary and middle schools, I would get in trouble for talking in class and, when I got home, he could only get so mad at me because we all know who I got the gift of gab from. At the end of the day, my dad was my role model growing up.

More important than the memories that I have with my father is the impact that he has had not only on my family or a couple of my friends or my home town but on this nation and world. Over the past couple of days, I have gotten messages from people in Chicago, California, New York, New Orleans and so many other places speaking on how my father has touched their lives. Whether it was getting an athlete a workout with a professional team, taking a kid to the movies, or just comforting a mother while her son was in jail, my father was a giving person. He talked so much because he loved people. He loved knowing about people. When I was younger, I remember wondering, "Who cares?" sometimes because I didn't understand why he had such a genuine concern for strangers, but then I look at the way I chat with waiters and waitresses or the mail man at my apartment and I see that I am the exact same way... And for that I am thankful. You don't meet too many genuine people these days. It always seems that someone wants something from you. My dad wanted something for you. He just wanted everyone to be happy. Sometimes, he wanted it so badly that he put his own happiness to the side to help strangers but so did Jesus.

This past Tuesday morning, my brother Devin Agee called me and said "Your father never made me feel like ‘just the friend.’ He always made me feel like his son." Today, I wanted to have my 6 line brothers from my fraternity stand here beside me. And then I thought more and I wanted my closest high school friends to stand beside me. Then I kept thinking, back and back and back to all my friends over the years who my father loved like his own children and I wanted each of them to stand up here with me. But then I realized there would be no one under 25 in the pews. My dad saw potential in every young person he met and he wanted to help that young person develop that potential into character and success. And, as I look out into this overwhelming crowd today, I see some of my father in each of you because I see the character that he helped all of us develop. In this sanctuary, you have everyone from politicians to former inmates to sanitation workers to teachers to college students. And, in all that, all I really see are other children of God, just like my dad did. So, if you really want to remember my father the way he would want to be remembered, politicians, lawyers, doctors, take some time and mentor a young person who needs it. Give that young person who doesn’t deserve it the benefit of the doubt. And young people read a book. Don't have one to read? My father left me a huge library and I don't have anywhere to put it so feel free to ask me for one. But develop your character, give back, and read. That is the best way to remember Deryle, Sr..

I will leave you all with one quote from an old friend of my father's, Dr. Cameron Seay. "Deryle is like the boy scouts. Everybody loves Deryle."

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Gift

My father passed this week. I'm the man of the house
No time to be weak. I'm the man. She's his spouse
And my mother so I let her know I love her
That tumor was a lethal weapon like Danny Glover
But I don't struggle with the weight. I just lift
Tomorrow's not promised and the present is a gift
So I pray and pray for sunnier days
Life brings Joy and Pain like Frankie and Maze
We argued but that's because I was the oldest
He was there when I became the coldest
He was my hero. I just hope he knows it
And he still will be after the casket closes
The last poem I wrote was called "Hard Times"
He was passing on but he was far from dying
I know his soul lives in heaven so I am grateful
And yes, this situation could make me hateful
But pain can either make us bitter or better
And when's the last time you saw a weighed down feather
Fly anywhere? Anywhere at all?
A weighed down feather can't even fall
So I will let this make me a better man
And I know it's not for me to understand
So I won't try, I'll just pray and lift this weight
Because tomorrow's not promised and the present is great

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hard Times

And these times are hard
Harder than you know.
They say if it doesn't kill you
It's got to help you grow
Guess he won't come out the same height
Because on this same night
Me and my little brother cried together
And I don't know how I'm able to keep it together
My father is on a machine. I am baffled
And he was just fine. How about them apples?
He was at my home on Sunday. Tuesday, a tumor
And I swear, I wish this was just a rumor
But I'm sitting in his hospital room or
Prison or whatever listening to the doom or
Death sentence or whatever they're speaking
Proclamation of emancipation as if they're Lincolns
But I'm not interested in eating that continental breakfast
So I'm just going to pray that the best is
About to happen... Yep. It will
Really, I just pray for His will
And I thank Him that no pain is endured
And I sit here assured
That my dad is going to a better place whenever he goes
And I am also certain that no man knows
The minute nor the hour
Only my heavenly Father has that power
I'm watching the numbers on the machine change
Praying that the Doctors say "42-11 stabilized. Praise His name."
But until then, I just hear his favorite song playing
"Aja" by Steely Dan plays as I am praying
As he is laying
In a bed. Not leaving. He's staying
I have faith that God will make believers
That He can bring you from strokes, comas and seizures
All which my father had in 2 days
He who knows nothing or all else prays
Because that is all I was taught
By Pops so I will pray at all costs
And I will hold his hand until it's chilled
I Deryle A. Daniels, Sr. so you know it's real

Monday, October 24, 2011

For The Teachers!

*I did not come up with this and am not taking credit. I'm merely reposting it because it needs to be read by the powers that be -- the voters.*

Teachers' hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! It's time we put thing in perspective and pay them for what they do - babysit! We can get that for minimum wage. That's right. Let's give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45am to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan--that equals 6 1/2 hours). Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children.

Now how many students do they teach in a day... maybe 30 an hour? So that's $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations. LET'S SEE... That's $585 X 180= $105,300 per year. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).

What about those teachers with Master's degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6.5 hours X 30 children X 180 days = $280,800 per year. Wait a minute -- there's something wrong here! There sure is! The average teacher's salary (nationwide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student--a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!) WHAT A DEAL!!!! Make a teacher smile; re-post this to show appreciation for all educators!

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's in a Name? Shame.

Nashville Niggers. Florida Seminoles. West Chicago Whops. Cincinnati Reds. Jacksonville Jiggaboos. Kentucky Kikes. Atlanta Braves. Washington Wetbacks. Charlotte Coons. Washington Redskins. Clayton Klansmen. Seattle Spics. Philadelphia Pickaninies. Kansas City Chiefs.

Those are some extremely derogatory names for sports teams to have. Sad thing is, some of them are real. Has America not harmed our Native American brothers and sisters enough without throwing that harmful history right back in their faces? And, though you may think that names like "Seminoles" and "Braves" are not bad, look at the stereotypical (and possibly sacred) hand-motion and vocal sound associated with the FSU Seminoles or the overly comical Atlanta Braves' mascot. These depictions of Native Americans are grossly biased and offend me, so I am sure they offend those persons who are supposed to be represented by them.

And while we are on the topic of Native Americans, let us address one thing - this is not a White nation. It is a land which was the home to many Native American nations, many which were murdered by the thieves who utilized their superior technology to kill those who were rightfully here. (Funny that technology is always invented for good but always ends up doing some evil). Anyway, this Thanksgiving, please tell your kids or little cousin or someone what happened after the Native Americans helped the pilgrims. Let them know the truth about Disney's Pocahontas.

And to those of you who think I'm being too serious, do something for me. It might take a minute and a half. Think about the names at the beginning of the post. Then think about which one(s) represent(s) you or a close friend. Finally, look up "The Trail of Tears." If that were your culture that had been raped by America would you want the same America to turn your culture into a joke?

Food for thought.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, October 21, 2011


So many of us good old 9-to-5-wanting, white-picket-fence-dreaming, college-educated young adults have exploited and watered-down hood culture. I see college students talking about their "connect" who got them a job at a marketing firm. No genius! A connect gets you a brick. Your network got you a job. Or these hard core accounting students talking about whose ass they will beat on Thursday night at the club knowing they will be spending Friday morning studying for their 12 PM midterm. Please, stop playing people. You don't believe this stuff. I definitely don't. If you know real people who live that life or if you have lived that life, you don't want to go back. And don't go into the wrong place acting like that. You really might not make it out in the same condition.

Rappers are making money to act hard. Most of us yuppies are just acting. Some of us don't have to act though.

Just a word of advice to all of you hardcore gangsters.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Lazy post

People don't like reading and, right now, I don't feel like writing but I feel like posting... That being said, here are some recent photographs of my life.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Oh!! So You're the Person I'm Dating? Cool.

Technology hinders our ability to connect with people, as well as to think. We watch shows with our significant others while texting our friends the entire time. We leave work only to come home knowing that our personal time can be consumed with e-mails from our supervisors. We tweet our simplest thoughts and then feel as if, because they are published, they are complete. We shop online as opposed to searching the world for what we really want, not so much out of convenience but moreso because we do not truly feel comfortable speaking face to face with others.

What ever happened to quality time to relax? Why do we feel as if we have to be connected to others every second of our lives? Why can't we just sit, relax, and think sometimes without the help of our flat screens, Playstation 3s, iPads, iPhones, BlackBerrys, laptops, MacBooks, and every other piece of technology that we own.

Food for thought.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Will They Write About Us?

Back in the 1950's and 60's, only the grocery store and gas station were opened on the weekends. Back when family time mattered. The black family wasn't perfect but it was more solid. Education was valued but manual labor wasn't devalued. Americans paid cash for what we purchased. There were absolute rights and wrongs. Language was not so coarse. People were less material-driven and self-centered. Males knew how to be men and females knew how to be women. Chivalry was expected. Fraternities and sororities played a major role in what was done in the community. Movements lasted for longer dawn a week. Cursive was taught in school. Sex was not the driving force of all entertainment.

The problems with that time period:
It was legal to beat your wife. Rapes were often swept under the rug. The church was a center for gay-bashing. The way you looked in church was more important to many than your relationship with Christ. Women could not move up in society. Men could not express their emotions openly, causing them to hold in their anger. Segregation, though it yielded many positives, led to hate and inequality which allowed the system to be more to minorities' detriment than our benefit.

Why couldn't we find a balance? Why did we have to go off the deep end? Now we have a society that lacks a moral compass. What will it be like in 20 years when I am raising teenagers? I can only wonder where we are going from here...

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

College Days Swiftly Pass

"College days swiftly pass, imbued with memories fond." -- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Hymn

As of late, I've had a lot of things that told me I'm really moving out of the age range in which it's cool to have too much fun. I went to a party at a club and wondered why people had baseball caps on. Two consecutive weekends I saw my best friend pass out and thought, "Wow, I'm glad that wasn't me." Last week I went on campus for a meeting and saw the new dorm which I had never been in and realized that I don't really have a legitimate reason to check it out. I'm done. College life has passed for me and it no longer interests me. The idea of it will always be fun but I'm really just too old to do most of this stuff and still be a responsible, ambitious adult.

And all of that isn't even taking into account the generational differences. I think at higher level than most of the people in my age group (18-24) so those who are at the lower end of that spectrum are rarely going to be able to hold a conversation with me, especially if they don't read. The girls who are at my fraternity's parties were in middle school when I started my undergraduate experience. I'm in the same tax bracket as many of their parents.

I've moved on from kickbacks to "having a few friends over for drinks." From the cafeteria to cooking four course meals. From juice boxes in the fridge to a chilled beer after a rough day. I am looking at my relationship and asking myself if she is the one I will take the next step with. I'm buying scotch, not to drink regularly, but because I heard it is an acquired taste but one that business is done over. I am meeting with financial advisors, trying to set myself up so that I can retire at $10,000/week of today's dollars in 30-40 years, without penalties. I am thinking on a level that I never thought at in college because, while in college, I thought at a level that most persons in my demographic group didn't think at.

I have to make it and living 2 blocks from my alma mater is a hindrance. In short, I have to get out of Greensboro, if not North Carolina as a whole. If I don't, I will never come close to reaching my full potential.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I Have To Leave

I have to get out of North Carolina. I love the state. I was born here. This will always be my home. But it's just not doing it for me anymore. I need to get away. Preferably to New York or New Jersey. I just really need to make moves. If nothing else, I need to leave Greensboro. Charlotte, please open your doors. I have to go sooner than later. Yes, I know this post was random, but it's just how I feel.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, October 7, 2011

Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth

If you read my blog on a regular basis, you know I rarely use profanity on here and, when I do, it gets no worse than "damn" or "ass" in a poem. Issue is, this guy is saying EXACTLY what I want to say and didn't put out and he didn't put out an edited version. Some people think I have a problem with cursing. I don't. I have a problem with unnecessary cursing. This is necessary. I love his passion. So I am going to post his video.

That being said, if you have a problem with a lot of cursing or if you have kids around, don't click play until you feel it's appropriate.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Why do we value people who entertain* us so much more than anyone else? I will be honest with you, I care as much about Steve Jobs' death as I do about anyone I hear about. Unless I have a personal relationship with someone, I feel that each life has the same value at the end. If John Doe, the homeless Vietnam vet, wasn't born, we might have lost the war and Steve Jobs wouldn't have had a chance to impact the nation. Because I think this way, I think John and Steve's deaths are equally important. Some people say I'm insensitive but I beg to differ; I'm not insensitive - I'm unimpressed. A life is a life and a loss is a loss. I pray that both Steve Job and John Doe know Jesus. That's really all that matters.

*I know Steve Jobs wasn't an entertainer but Apple's primary function in our generation has been to entertain and sedate. It has made us lazy. Microsoft too, as far as sedation goes.

We Are Slaves


Self-imposed shackles, no longer literal
It might be offensive but I'm just being critical
Of myself, my friends, my family, my church
So if you're sensitive stop reading. Truth hurts
We don't own most of the products we buy
We buy it on the white man's credit from a white guy
Well, a white guy's store, company, or site
And, before you get offended, this isn't a shot at all things white
This is just me telling us to stop and think
Why the hell do you need iPad 2s and minks?
So you can keep up with basketball wives
Who are trying to keep from their own demise?
So you can keep up with 1-hit having rap stars
Who rented each of their videos' fast cars?
We went to college to think and yet, still, we bleat
I should have said "Still We Rise," but still, we sheep,
Are being led to the financial slaughter
Not saving a dime for our sons or our daughters
All this money padding the accounts
Of Phil Knight and Steve Jobs like that counts
Toward our cool points. But damnit, we're fresh
Our ancestors see us and say "Damnit, they're blessed"
But we don't know how to use it so, in all actuality
We're cursed worse than slaves. That's some reality
For our Perception TV loving asses
If we were smart, we would have paid attention in Af-Am studies classes
I can't get mad at the way my people were done
Not if, before his birth, I have already sold my son

*This illustration by Paul Kuczynski inspired this poem

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Sunday, October 2, 2011

School Daze

"At the time, I thought the s*** was so whack but what I wouldn't give to go back. Back in the days when I was young. I'm not a kid anymore but some days I sit and wish I was a kid again. I'm a little grown but still reminisce. Close your eyes. You remember this? Friday night football games; something I'll forever miss." -- J. Cole

I'm on my way home from a weekend in Charlotte. I decided that I was going to listen to J. Cole my whole way home and I am really feeling this track "School Daze" on his mixtape "The Come Up." It got me thinking and the thinking got me writing. College was great but it was mainly adulthood with a safety net. High school was so much fun. Between playing football, going to work a couple nights a week, hanging with my brother and sister, and getting on 3-way calls every night to see who was talking to who and how strong my boy's game was, I couldn't have enjoyed life more. I was just living. Looking forward to rival games that were always a week or two a way b/c we played East in every sport. Wearing Dickies and Air Force Ones with matching fitted caps, jerseys, and shoe laces. Trips up to NY and NJ every summer to see family. It was just a fun experience. Now, I look back and I thank God for the memories. They make the present worth it.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

"Today, nobody cares..."

"Today, nobody cares but, tomorrow, they will" -- Lupe Fiasco

So, I know for a fact that I'm in the wrong generation. Today while I was cooking for my girlfriend, I was playing some Gregg Allman and she said it was hurting her ears. So I tried to find some common ground by playing Wynton. She still couldn't get with it. Who can't get with Wynton?!? Come on people. We have to listen to more than this super processed music that they feed us. All this Lady Gaga and Beyoncè is not good for our creative genius. The Waka Flockas and, yes, even the Cam'rons hinder our ability to grow intellectually.

This leads me to one of two conclusions:

Conclusion 1 - The entertainers of these days are not true musical artists. To be an artist, you should be making something that has more than a surface level value. "BOW BOW BOW!!!" has no value Mr. Flocka. Neither does "Uh oh Uh oh Uh oh Uh no no" Ms. Knowels (yes, Beyoncè was born with a last name and it was not Child). What happened to songs like "What's Going On?" that served as conversation pieces, much like the works of art on my end tables do? I want to be able to have a talk with my girlfriend about the social value of music that I hear on the radio, as opposed to the lack thereof. These days, I get excited to hear an entertainer who intellectually entertains, but even then, the entertainer is not putting out any sort of social commentary but instead he is just a great wordsmith.

Conclusion 2 - We are too dumb to appreciate real art. When our generation does get a true artist who makes conscious social comments, we put him/her on the same level as the intellectual entertainers/wordsmiths. Fabolous and Drake should not be put on the same level as Lupe Fiasco and Talib Kweli. We use Jill Scott's music to serve as background music while we make love as opposed to discussing the value of the lovemaking she is singing about. That's like paying for a stick of gum with a $100 bill and asking for no change; It undervalues the $100 bill and is just plain stupid.

Come on people! This is why contemporary music is more of a form of entertainment than an art form. Let's ask for more from our musicians and of ourselves. I want to think!!!!

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Perception TV

If you know me, you know I hate the genre that has been named "Reality Television." No one lives like this. I don't know anyone who is in their feelings in public all the time. Most people I know are not alright with telling the world their feelings all the time. Also, most people I know have more sense than to act like a complete idiot and/or jerk all the time. My family would be embarrassed. That's how I know this is all an act.

Secondly, I think these shows set new societal norms. "Let's not get married. Let's just live together and have kids." "I feel like getting botox is like going and filling up the gas tank." (<--- that was actually a direct quote) Come on people!!! Maybe this nation has always been that superficial, but I know better. Our microwave generation wants everything without working for it. I'm really worried about bringing kids into the world in the future.

On top of all that, why do we have time to give a damn about what's going on in the lives of basketball baby mamas and not in the halls of Congress? This is why our nation is so backward. And then we get mad about the way the economy is looking. We do it to ourselves so we deserve it. Until we get back to wanting to learn more than we want to be entertained, we will continue on this downward slope and no politician can change that.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Keep Living

Life is too exciting to waste. I feel like I've done it all and still not done enough. I'm 23 going on 24 and I have done everything from lived like a celebrity to be a recluse. I've gone from being $0.04 away from being broke to having a salary that rivals a lot of adults I know, all within a month's time. I've been a mentor and a mentee. It hasn't always been fun but it is always a challenge. So I am going to keep living and see what other highs I can hit and what lows I can overcome.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Miss

I lay here missing her
Wishing I was kissing her
There is no listing her
She falls in a different category
She's not just trying to matador me
No tricks, just hugs and smooches
Maybe one day kids and pooches
Damn, she's got me losing my edge
She's got me thinking w/ my heart, not my head
You must know, I wasn't always like this
But I guess, with the right miss,
Anything is possible
But with my miss
I can do the impossible

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Got Change 2.0 ?

If I could do anything for the rest of my life, I would write and I would speak. I would write until there was no more paper. Well, let me clarify that. I would write and I would type. I would make sure that the words that came from my mind would make people want to think. They would make kids want to learn. They would make the world want to love. But people don't read anymore. And they don't listen, they just hear. How can I do what I love when I can only do it in a figurative mirror? If the only people who read my writing or listen to me speak are the people who I know already think like me, how can I inspire change in the world? I need people to do their part and read!!! Funny thing is, as I'm writing this, I know that the only people on my blog reading it are the people who think along the same lines I do, which is too small of a percentage of people to... No. Forget that. Change always started with a small group of cool people who people didn't know were cool yet. So I'm going to keep writing to the people who know they're cool by their own merit and we're going to inspire change. I'm going to keep speaking to the kids in the classes where I know the teacher subscribes to my school of thought because I am going to help save one of those kids. Change is going to come and it will be for the better. We've done worse for long enough.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Read & Listen

This poem must be watched, heard, and listened to to be fully appreciated. A great piece of social commentary. I wish I knew the title of the piece but the poet is Taylor Mali. I thought that I was the only one who saw the quality use of the English language dwindling.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Accessories to Murder

I killed Troy Davis. You killed Troy Davis. Jim, John, Paul, Molly, Susie, and Lisa killed Troy Davis. Anyone who wanted him to be freed played a role in killing him. Honestly, the politicians did their jobs. I'm sure they all did their research. I'm sure they've known about this situation for the past 22 years. This story is almost as old as me. So why did I only hear about it within recent months. And why did it just hit twitter this week? Because the media, which is run first by people with money and secondly by people who don't look like Troy, doesn't care to give us a chance to help him. Let it be someone who will increase their ratings or the amount of newspapers they sell and I guarantee you will see it hit the front page. But too often the poor and/or the black don't keep up with the news. Why didn't politicians run on the promise, "I will make sure Troy Davis is freed?" Because we didn't press the issue. Don't rely on anyone but yourself to inform you of the issues that you should be concerned with. That's like me telling a grown man, "You need to eat your vegetables." Why should I have to do that? If you want to die, die. If you want to be taken for granted as a citizen who doesn't care about his future, don't read. Don't write your politicians. Don't vote. I called up to D.C. when I heard about this. But what else could I have done? I could have posted a blog post before today. I could have written a letter. I could have marched. I didn't. You didn't. None of us did.

One of my brothers said today, "Blacks from the 60's run circles around us... Us, with our degrees, Internet and black president." It is too true. We have all of these resources at our disposal but what do we do with them? Make horrible music, expect everything for free, and complain when people don't get freed from prison at will. Stuff takes work. It takes time. It takes dedication and, most of all, it takes sacrifice. We work so hard to make sure our kids have a comfortable future without realizing that money alone can't buy comfort in a political system that will still see them as second class citizens. So, yes, let's work our jobs like the yuppies that we are ( But let's also keep the fight that our activist ancestors had. And that's for everyone, regardless of race. White people, your ancestors were activists too. Revolutionary war? Revolt. Confederate States of America? Fighting against a system you didn't believe in. Native Americans, activism can be silent and it is not always victorious. The Trail of Tears is a result of your activism. Japanese Americans, you all made America apologize for your internment during WWII. We were a nation of activist... so what the hell happened? We became a nation of involuntary accessories to murder.

Now watch most of you read this and not repost it. That's cool. That's why this cycle will continue. Are you a part of the solution or apart of the problem?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

If Troy Davis Dies Tonight

The struggle of the masses
Is not race but class is
The truest issue facing those under God
Race is surface level... a facade
They blind us so we don't examine the true problems
Because then we would definitely be able to solve them
I can't and I won't act like race isn't a factor
But in comparison to wealth, race just doesn't matter
See, if I can pay for a good defense, I can pull an OJ
And if I can't, I'll be sitting where Troy Dave
Is, awaiting an execution with no foreseeable solution
But all this mental pollution
Has us thinking it's really about the color of his skin
When it's really about the skin that holds his money
Is it pleather or cowhide... This is so sad yet so funny.
From cow tail whips in Africa to cowhide leather that makes wallets to buy whips
Either way, if you're rich, the taste of death won't touch your lips
You cannot say that I am naive. No, I've thought this through
Race is an issue, but money is too
No, money is one and race is two
So if you're a rich black man, you're doing better than a slew
Of whites whose grandparents slaughtered our people
Because now, money, not race, is what makes you regal
Funny thing is, the love of money is the root of evil
So to wear a crown you must rock with d'evils
Social d-evols... Social devolution
And that is where I come to my conclusion
The white man is not the devil. Sorry to those who believe it
The rich man who lets money replace love, though you can't see it,
He is the devil... or at least a demon in service
So, ask yourself, when you make love to your money with your time, was it worth it?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Monday, September 19, 2011

Will Work 4 Wealth

No one is going to give you anything. ACTUALLY, people will be quicker to take from you than they will be to give to you. If you maintain that mindset, you can earn what you deserve, protect what you have earned, and the times that you are surprised with a blessing, you'll appreciate it that much more. But to think you're going to get a lot while putting in a minimal amount of work makes you naive and feeble minded. And that doesn't mean that investments can't grow; it means that you must invest wisely so that you have put in the time to make up for the money that you're not putting in to get out the money that you want to get. But if someone comes to you, says "I have an idea that can make you a millionaire in 8 months," and, after a 30 minute to an hour talk, you sign on and put your money in without doing any outside research of your own, you deserve to take this loss as a learning lesson. Work for what you want. It's not going to happen over night and if it does, it won't last. Even musicians who we think are so rich might have 1 or 2 albums that do ok and they might do a mini-tour but after that, what keeps them afloat? Hard work. Market research. Hours in the studio to perfect one song. Same with athletes. They have to train their bodies to keep them in the game for seasons and seasons just so they can maintain the lifestyle they want. If they don't, they're getting cut after the pre-season. So do what you need to do or struggle forever. The choice is yours.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

Friday, September 16, 2011


In case you missed my rant on Twitter yesterday, here are some great reasons I thought of to vote Reko Daye for UNCG's Homecoming King... And yes, I do officially and unofficially endorse Bro. Reko Daye for UNCG's homecoming king. So follow him on Twitter @aDAYE_fit4aKING, add him on FB, join the FB group, tell your friends to vote for him. If you don't know him, go by the info desk. He's probably there. Basically do whatever it takes to make sure my brother wins.

*Queens, I'm so cool w/ 4 of you all running that I'm not going to fight that battle.

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's a great friend to have when things are or aren't going right

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he knows how to cool off when under pressure

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he doesn't care if you're black, white, or orange. He sees blue and gold (well, blk and gold too but you know...)

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's cooler than me and that's pretty darn cool

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c his line name is sp-Art-iC-usE... come on ppl... It's destiny

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c my mom said you all should (no really though, she loves him like a son)

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c his name is cool. Reko Daye?! You can't have a name like that and not be cool

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he was my resident... Thus, he has all the tools I had plus he can dance (well)

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c @voteMADDIEqueen said so and you don't want to get on her bad side

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's your favorite Alpha's favorite Alpha. (Yes, I know I'm #1 in you all's eyes)

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's just soooooo happy

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is well dressed

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he works hard in school

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is from Durham

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he was an Ace Honcho as a first semester sophomore... I will say no more

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he really cares about the future of UNCG

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's probably your friend

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c once, when I was broke, he paid my phone bill for me. #ThatsABrother

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's an impeccable decision maker

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c, not only can he read, he does read

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he's got a great sense of humor

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he has the cutest little sister and she will smile for you all if he wins but she might cry if he loses

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he works in the EUC... I just feel like that's a great place to have the face of UNCG

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is creative

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is always focused on strengthening his mind, body, and spirit

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he has patience

#ReasonsToVoteForReko b/c he is the embodiment of the American Dream

#ReasonsToVoteForReko could go on all night but y'all get the point... So vote for my brother @aDAYE_fit4aKING

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown