Monday, April 25, 2011

Hypocritical Greeks

As Greeks we often expect our aspirants to let go of the bad habits that we hold so dearly. Ladies, how can you not want to put someone down because she is promiscuous but some very visible people in your chapter are the same way? Gentlemen, why do we say "He doesn't do enough service?" but we can't get half of our chapter to participate at a service project unless it involves being seen by the rest of the campus? How messed up are we that we can be so hypocritical? We really need to take an honest inventory of our ownselves before we pass judgment on who is and isn't good enough to be in our organizations because, based on some of the reasons we give, we shouldn't be allowed to wear our own letters either. No one is perfect and we're all trying to improve our chapters, but please look at the rubric you're using to judge others and allow it to be a guideline for your own lives. And more important than your own rubrics, look at the aims of your founders. Would they put you down? For most Greeks I see and based upon most of the things I see on their Twitter timelines and in their tagged Facebook photos, the Jewels (or whatever you call your founders) would look at us and feel disrespected that we even showed up at an interest meeting while making such questionable decisions, much less that our chapters voted to put us down.

Sad thing is, most of you will read this and think I take it too seriously. The even sadder thing is, too few of us take it seriously enough. I did too much to get into my fraternity (Disclaimer: 2 weekends and paid my dues) to let it fall. That's why I take it seriously. And if you don't, I question what whatever you did (if anything substantive) really meant to you.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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