Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals Are Gre>ter Than Resolutions

"Now see, the difference between me and you is that I just hit rock bottom. After this, I don't have a choice. I've got people to provide for... promises I've made... goals to meet. What you got?" -- Drake

I'm sitting here listening to Drake's first major mixtape "Comeback Season," and it is so ironic because about an hour before I cut the intro on, I had tweeted "2012 is going to be a rebuilding season. Preparation for 13." And a few hours before that, when I was making my to do list for tonight, I decided that I would write on the topic of new years goals vs. resolutions. All this being said, I will go into why it is no necessary to set goals for 2012 as opposed to making the traditional resolutions many of which never get fulfilled.

In order for me to effectively communicate this battle of good versus mediocre, I must first draw a distinction between a resolution and a goal. I will try to be brief since I’d like to assume that you reading my blog means you have the ability to utilize context clues and figure these things out. If not, it’s cool. Shoot me an e-mail and I’ll work on that with you after class.

But anyway, a resolution is little more than a promise to one’s self. It is often very ineffective because, many times we honor promises because of the simple fact that we don’t want to let one of our loved ones down. And that is very noble. But in the case of letting one’s self down, it is much easier to do because you know that you are the only one who must suffer the consequences.

A goal, however, is a dream with steps to reach it. Without steps, reaching a dream is pure luck. However to set a goal and taking the steps necessary to reach that goal is nothing short of driven. It shows dedication, logic, maturity, and understanding. You must be focused to make it from point A to point M, checking off every step in between, with the hopes of eventually reaching point Z. You must weigh out the likelihood of actually getting a step completed and the timeframe in which it should be done. You must take an honest inventory of yourself to realize and assess your weaknesses as well as to build upon your strengths. Finally, but most importantly, you must have a solid understand of the goings on. If you do not realize how to effectively reach your goal, why embark on it to begin with? Leave it as a dream and hope that somehow, you’ll get there.

In short, to attempt to resolve an inadequacy with no steps is no resolution at all, but rather a pitch into a wishing well. Let’s go into this year with some sense of seriousness and purpose when it comes to bettering ourselves so that we can step into 2013 better prepared for this moment of goal setting than we are at the current moment.

I will leave you all with this quote that I wrote down while conversing with a bus driver yesterday. He provided me with a wealth of knowledge. But one thing that he said that I am going to put into practice is "I always think of 5 or 6 things positive tomorrow just in case I live to see another day."

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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