Sunday, December 11, 2011

Do You Know Who Raped PFC LaVena Johnson?

Being an American is like being married to a prostitute: I love her but I don't trust her to keep my best interests at heart. Just based upon reading historic accounts throughout my life, always from multiple sources, I know that our nation hides a lot of things that will make it look bad. But I digress. My distrust of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT is not the focal point of this post. The real issue at hand is the death of PRIVATE LAVENA JOHNSON. Ever heard of her? Neither had I until I happened to stumble across her name online and decided to do some research. Problem is, out of the eight initial sites I found regarding her alleged (and probable) RAPE AND MURDER, five of them popped up as unavailable. That's pretty interesting to me. One of the eight was from New Zealand so I'm pretty sure that the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT cannot regulate with what they do and don't publish there. Another site was endorsed by a congressman and tampering with that would raise even more questions.

But anyway, who is PVT. JOHNSON? Well, I am not going to take credit for the information that I have found. What I will do is provide you with links that tell her story, as well as a link to a petition that her RAPE & MURDER be investigated. Please read and share. Then call your congressman/woman and tell them to support Congressman Waxman's inquiry on PVT. JOHNSON'S RAPE AND MURDER which is being COVERed UP by the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. All her parents want is an independent investigation and justice because it is improbable that this young lady, at 5'1" killed herself with an M16 after chemically mutilating her own genitalia, setting herself on fire and breaking her own nose, all while apparently crawling away for HELP...

New Zealand Herald -

Interview w/ parents -

Petition -

Soon I will be writing a post on how the media doesn't take certain stories seriously. One of the links that didn't work was from CBS television station KMOV-TV out of Missouri. So obviously CBS had the story and didn't feel that it was important enough to put on national television. Is it because she was a woman? Or because she was black? Or because the GOVERNMENT doesn't want to be seen COVERing UP a RAPE AND MURDER so they told CBS that it wouldn't receive federal funding if it ran with the story? Food for thought...

And this is not a shot at the military. I am appreciative of the soldiers. But there are evil soldiers just like there are evil civilians. And I believe that all governmental agencies are corrupt so why would a corrupt agency tell on the evils that occur under its watch?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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