Tuesday, December 13, 2011


You can read the article --

But since some of you don't like to read, here's a quick YouTube snip it

And now my poem since some of you might read that just to support me. Thanks.

The government is corrupt
The government is messed up
No longer about the people
And never been about the steeple
Well, not about what it represents
No, we're moving to unlawful imprisonments
Of American citizens
All because of some dividends?
Well can you divide your soul?
No one knows
But I'd rather not send any of it to hell
But by putting a thinking man in jail
America is damning itself
And all of this for some wealth
No, all of this for the love
But not one that is sent from above
The love of money that is the root of evil
Thus, our nation's driving force are d'evils
Hmmm, remove the apostrophe
Devils. Is anybody watching the
Things that are going on inside your TV screen?
Or are you too busy shopping for shiny things
That you can't afford because you want to keep up
We, the people, are dumb as a nut
And I mean that collectively
And I hope that it hurt infectiously
Because I need these words to spread
Before this poem is classified "Terror Alert, Code Red"
And they take me and my OH red
Away to prision for reading
I'm the babysitter. It's knowledge that I'm feeding
To my generation that doesn't like to pick up a book
And really, they don't have to. We just have to look
At the screen that we tweet on day in and day out
But that would take some kind of devout
Conviciton and how can we have it if we don't even speak with it
No longer will they give speeding but soon "you decided to think" tickets
1984 twenty-eight years later
And I really don't want to call him Obama Vader
But, if these reports are true, he's setting us up
And this lesson is tough
I wanted to believe in the first black C.I.C.
But right now, I'd rather follow B.I.G.
What's a C.I.C.? Use context clues! It's really not that hard
And you wonder why they will have us jailed with no charge.
How can you know your rights if you don't read?
And how can you vote for him again if you don't know how he leads?
I'm not anti-Obama. I'm pro-choice
But to make a choice, I suggest you listen to more than a voice
And look at more than a complexion. He's more than swagger
Shoot, if you want a cool guy, I'm sure someone knows Mick Jagger
And it's not just the president. But it is him too
The whole government is going to do what they do
And that is lie. All except a select few
And that is why I know what I am able to tell you
But don't take my word. Look it up for yourself
NDAA = No Rights. In twitter terms, #EpicFail

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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