Sunday, April 29, 2012

Theocratic Voting 2012

The more I read the Word, the more I realize that this nation is far from trusting in God (as our money says we do). If we really trusted in Him, He would be consulted in every decision we made, from what to buy at the grocery store to what corporate mergers to pursue to what laws to vote for or against.  Mind you, I do not believe that the nation should be run as as theocracy.  Everyone here is not a Christian and we cannot legally place Chrisitan values on perons just because "the Bible tells me so."  But this is a nation in which the majority of the voters are Christian so what I do believe is that our decisions should reflect that.  The persons who profess to be Christians should take their futures and their children's futures seriously enough to talk to God before we go to the polls.  Stop voting straight ticket Republican or Democrat.  Go through each law and each candidate, do some research and pray on it.  It might seem tideous but what do we waste our free time doing?  Watching television and shopping.  That's why we're in the position we are now, politically and financially.  We are uninformed and uninterested.  If the president isn't doing a slow jam on Jimmy Kimmel or it doesn't afftect people's civil rights or our dollar, we, as a whole, don't seem to pay it any mind.  Why are we thinking with such immediacy?  Right now, we're in good shape.  We can make due with what we have.  The thing is, we have to start thinking smarter about how today's decisions affect tomorrow.  That thought process comes with wisdom.  Wisdom comes with prayer and/or time.  The problem is, our generation and the one before us is so stuck on ourselves that we don't really care about the long-term effects of today's decisions.  We say we do but "long-term" in our minds is 20 years.  And, the way things are going, the world might not be here in 20 years.  But it might.  And then what?  Then we're $28,000,000,000,000.87 in debt, most of which is owed to China, and we're really in economic slavery.  God doesn't want that for us.  So let's go to Him about what decisions to make.  I'm sure He would speak clearly to us if we did and the majority of the votes would come out on the side of righteousness.

Do you want to be a slave?

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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