Saturday, December 19, 2009

That's Just The Way It Is...

"It's time for (me) as a (person) to make some changes..." -- Tupac Skakur

Done with yet another semester at G. 2 semesters left until I graduate. And now I'm changing my major. Crazy right? Wrong. I am doing what is best for me. So many people are afraid of change that they won't take a risk. I was the same way. But, as a result, I kept making the same mistake and, had I taken action when I first thought about it, I would be graduating on time with a higher GPA. But that is neither here nor their b/c I'm still getting out with above a 3 and I will still be successful. I am simply taking a different highway to get to the same place. Don't get me wrong, I wish I had known this coming into college, but I would not have had some of the opportunities that I have had if I hadn't started in the Bryan School of Business and Economics without having taken that original route. I wouldn't be president of BBSA, I wouldn't have been on the Dean's advisory committee, I wouldn't have met innumerable resources within the Bryan School, both from a professor and peer stand point. I am truly fortunate that so many great products came from a decision that, ultimately, turned out not to be the "right" one for me.

Some people say, don't quit. But I don't think of this as quitting. I came to college to get a degree. I want to go into the field of marketing. I will get a degree, and, unless I change my career path, I will go into marketing. I am just taking another avenue. The majority of people do not end up pursuing a career in the field in which they get their degree. I wish I had known that coming into school. Now I will get out with a GPA in my new major of a 3.7 (and that's if it doesn't go up, which it will). It's not so much that I'm taking the easy way out as much as I'm not taking the hard route and I am instead taking the second most logical avenue to make my way out of college. I switched my major and my minor around and now I'm on track to get out at the same time I was going to at the beginning of this academic year. My parents may be upset. Professors in the B-school may be disappointed. But this is my life, my time, and my money so I am doing what I need to do to move ahead.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing wrong with changing majors at all. A lot of ppl go into college not knowing what they want to do, some graduate and still don't know or some might but will change later. Thats why ur in college to find yourself and what u truly have a passion for doing.
    Winston Churchill once said "Never, Never, Never, Never, Give Up". so don't until u make ur Dreams become a reality and once there a reality DREAM BIGGER
