Friday, December 4, 2009

Who Am I? Version 22

" ... I need to find another road to follow. One that's new and strong, not old and hollow..." - - LaRon James

As I step into yet another year of life (praise to my Savior) and another semester comes to a rather abrupt halt, I must look back and reflect on the role that these last few months have played in my life.
This semester has presented me with many challenges. I was in a pageant last night which I spent 6-10 hours each week this semester preparing for. I took on the role of treasurer for my fraternity. I helped mold and bring 3 new Alphamen into the chapter (2 weekends - shout to TRIumph ovE.R. Treason). My chapter competed for, and did the work required to win, fraternal chapter of the year. I serve as president of an organization of 80+ members. I met and developed relationships with the new chancellor, provost, deans, and various professionals. I worked 1 job, accepted offers for 2 more next semester, and paid off my extracurricular debt in full. I went to the gym on a nearly daily basis, stayed well dressed and well groomed for 80% of the semester. I kicked and pushed my way into new friendships while working to let go of ones that proved to be detrimental. I got even closer to my line brothers than I did during Spring '09 and found myself being drawn to get to know brothers from around Area IV, ANCA, and Alpha national (Shout to DI). I have done better this semester than I did in the entire 08-09 school year.
After assessing all of this, I have come to the conclusion that I am spreading myself far too thin. I don't believe in dropping any responsibilities, but I will definitely be stepping back on my journey to 23. I am also working on getting closer to God. Even though I definitely see that I am getting closer to my Lord, I am just rebuilding to get back to where I was in high school. I have matured tremendously. Pairing that maturity with my spiritual growth and the positive impact that I have on the campus could have a major impact. You have 3 options in life - you can use your power for good, evil, or God. God is always good but good isn't always God. So this year, I'm am going to work on specializing my leadership, tailoring it to being a great representative for Him. That doesn't mean I will be perfect, but I will be stronger and I will be working harder and harder to pull away from the sinful nature that we are all born with.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, cards, balloons, gifts, hugs, etc. If you know me, you know I don't make a big deal on my birthday, so I don't have a problem if it slipped your mind, but I do appreciate the thoughts. Much love.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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