Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mobilize & Fly

I came to a realization today. We (black people) are trying to thrive in a system that was made for us to be oppressed. The unwritten prefix for everything in the constitution is "White men." It went without being said at the time. The term "innocent until proven guilty" was written for white men. Had it been written with slaves in mind, there likely would have been a clause that said "The blacks, who are only a fraction of a person (for population purposes only and none other), however are guilty until proven innocent."

The evidence that white men were the only consideration for anything written at this nation's inception is the line "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights..." They knew that they were not going to allow black people to enjoy this. Therefore, even though it was written in later that these laws now include us, we are apart of a system that was built for us to be oppressed. So to wonder why it is nearly impossible for us to get ahead is the same as wondering why humans cannot fly; the system is not built for that. Just like humans need a machine to contradict the laws of nature and fly, we, as black people, need to mobilize as a unit to fight against this systematic oppression so that we can rewrite the rules, this time with everyone in mind.

I have to get back to studying but that was on my mind and I had to get it out. Let's fly.

*Hold the phone*

Just as I was going to hit send, I got an e-mail from my school's police department that said "Crime Alert." Once again, it gave a vague description of a black male with no approxomation of height, weight, complexion or hairstyle and a very bland description of his attire that will probably get me stopped on my way home from the library tonight. See? It is a system built to make all of us guilty. I'm sick of it.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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