Friday, March 18, 2011

Yes, They Are Tattooed on Your Forehead

You know what I realize about most of today's Greeks? We don't think about the fact that we are always wearing our letters. We think that, just because we aren't out in public, no one is judging our organization's character.

Truth be told, they are. We are on Facebook with wild tagged photographs or on twitter saying some outlandish things. Tweets from brothers of (insert fraternity here) that read "F***in while flyin. #MileHighClub." Or Facebook pictures of an sister of (insert sorority here) climbing up on a pole while on spring break. And then I look at this individual's background or description on Twitter or their Facebook info section and they are making sure everyone knows what organization they pledged. Have some more respect for all of our founders than to do that. They were great men and women and they deserve better. And if you don't think so, maybe you should have just remained without letters.

This is not to say that we shouldn't have fun. We are in college. Do what you do. But no one wants to be known as the "Pothead" (insert greek letters) chapter of (insert fraternity/sorority) or as the "Hoe" (insert greek letters) chapter of (insert fraternity/sorority). How about we replace those negative monikers (b/c, like it or not, people, other Greeks included, say them behind our backs) with positive ones that start with the same letter (i.e. Prestigious or Hard-working). So don't be surprised when someone who is far from wholesome comes to an interest meeting or to rush. When more than 20% of the individuals at your interest meeting lack the character you would like to see in a brother or sister, ask yourself, "Are my brothers/sisters and I holding up the light as we should and being role models or are these people here because they feel like their character matches ours?"

And lastly, it might be sexist but these are you all's rules so have them changed if you want to be like the fraternities - Ladies, all this cursing on Twitter is kind of hypocritical when you have your letters in your description/background but as soon as you're in a shirt, you are the first to say "I can't curse in my letters." I just fail to see the difference. And just to be fair, I know that we as Alphas aren't supposed to drink in letters so me sending out crazy Tweets while it is obvious that I am short of sober is hypocritical on my behalf. I say that to say this - I too fall short but I am aware of it and am trying to change. What are you doing about it?

(FYI, I have seen both becoming and unbecoming things from members of every organization both on and off my own campus, including my own, so please take this personally but not disrespectfully)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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