Saturday, July 23, 2011

Beauty In Its Truest Form

Beauty is not in the eyes of the beholder but instead in the hands of the Creator.  Beauty is not just found in the aesthetically pleasing smile, the arousing physique, the seductive eyes or the nice personality.  Beauty in its truest form is a combination of each of those things, but even moreso, true beauty is found in the depth of one's spirituality.  A deep spirit is what allows one to think and converse on a higher plane. It is what drives ambition.  It breeds confidence and wisdom.

Some may read this and say "I know people who are confident or ambitious or great conversationalists who have no connection with a higher power."  And to those individuals, I say "There are plenty of people who do not like America and who still reap the benefits of the welfare system."  Just because some people don't have the relationship with God that He wants doesn't mean He has taken away the gifts He has given.  It just means He hopes you will come to Him eventually so he can polish them and add to them.

My girlfriend is beautiful on all the basic levels that make someone attractive.  But more importantly, seeing "Pray" on her daily To Do List is a reminder that I have a beautiful woman.  God doesn't make anyone who doesn't have the potential to be.  Question is, will we stretch to meet our potential or settle for an unpolished gift or two?

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Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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