Thursday, September 22, 2011

Got Change 2.0 ?

If I could do anything for the rest of my life, I would write and I would speak. I would write until there was no more paper. Well, let me clarify that. I would write and I would type. I would make sure that the words that came from my mind would make people want to think. They would make kids want to learn. They would make the world want to love. But people don't read anymore. And they don't listen, they just hear. How can I do what I love when I can only do it in a figurative mirror? If the only people who read my writing or listen to me speak are the people who I know already think like me, how can I inspire change in the world? I need people to do their part and read!!! Funny thing is, as I'm writing this, I know that the only people on my blog reading it are the people who think along the same lines I do, which is too small of a percentage of people to... No. Forget that. Change always started with a small group of cool people who people didn't know were cool yet. So I'm going to keep writing to the people who know they're cool by their own merit and we're going to inspire change. I'm going to keep speaking to the kids in the classes where I know the teacher subscribes to my school of thought because I am going to help save one of those kids. Change is going to come and it will be for the better. We've done worse for long enough.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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