Friday, September 16, 2011

The Reality

Why are black men who are intellectual always seen as anomalies but those of us who can dance and play sports are seen as the norm? As a teenager, I hated when people would say "You are so well spoken," because, based on their body language and tone of voice, I could see that their surprise was not at my age but my race. But when people find out that I am unable to step like the rest of my fraternity brothers, they think I'm kidding and, when they realize that I'm not, they are often disappointed. And it's not just white people... It's everyone who is surprised at how "backward" my priorities are. Well, I will never apologize for being more focused on my future than my physique. I am not an anomaly. I'm just what mainstream doesn't want you to see. I am the reality.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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