Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oh!! So You're the Person I'm Dating? Cool.

Technology hinders our ability to connect with people, as well as to think. We watch shows with our significant others while texting our friends the entire time. We leave work only to come home knowing that our personal time can be consumed with e-mails from our supervisors. We tweet our simplest thoughts and then feel as if, because they are published, they are complete. We shop online as opposed to searching the world for what we really want, not so much out of convenience but moreso because we do not truly feel comfortable speaking face to face with others.

What ever happened to quality time to relax? Why do we feel as if we have to be connected to others every second of our lives? Why can't we just sit, relax, and think sometimes without the help of our flat screens, Playstation 3s, iPads, iPhones, BlackBerrys, laptops, MacBooks, and every other piece of technology that we own.

Food for thought.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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