Sunday, October 23, 2011

What's in a Name? Shame.

Nashville Niggers. Florida Seminoles. West Chicago Whops. Cincinnati Reds. Jacksonville Jiggaboos. Kentucky Kikes. Atlanta Braves. Washington Wetbacks. Charlotte Coons. Washington Redskins. Clayton Klansmen. Seattle Spics. Philadelphia Pickaninies. Kansas City Chiefs.

Those are some extremely derogatory names for sports teams to have. Sad thing is, some of them are real. Has America not harmed our Native American brothers and sisters enough without throwing that harmful history right back in their faces? And, though you may think that names like "Seminoles" and "Braves" are not bad, look at the stereotypical (and possibly sacred) hand-motion and vocal sound associated with the FSU Seminoles or the overly comical Atlanta Braves' mascot. These depictions of Native Americans are grossly biased and offend me, so I am sure they offend those persons who are supposed to be represented by them.

And while we are on the topic of Native Americans, let us address one thing - this is not a White nation. It is a land which was the home to many Native American nations, many which were murdered by the thieves who utilized their superior technology to kill those who were rightfully here. (Funny that technology is always invented for good but always ends up doing some evil). Anyway, this Thanksgiving, please tell your kids or little cousin or someone what happened after the Native Americans helped the pilgrims. Let them know the truth about Disney's Pocahontas.

And to those of you who think I'm being too serious, do something for me. It might take a minute and a half. Think about the names at the beginning of the post. Then think about which one(s) represent(s) you or a close friend. Finally, look up "The Trail of Tears." If that were your culture that had been raped by America would you want the same America to turn your culture into a joke?

Food for thought.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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