Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Yorkers, Stop Paying Your Taxes

How can we trust the media when we cannot even trust the government?

I just read an article in the NYT about how officers, who take an oath to serve and protect, have a system of red tape set up to keep citizens from reporting crimes such as being beaten, having their cars stolen, and having their property stolen. At my job, we call this "work avoidance." The difference is, in my position, work avoidance is frowned upon and can lead to separation from the company. The NYPD seems to reward it's decorated officers by keeping them in high ranking positions and even promoting them based on these sanctioned fabricated statistics.

In this title, I tell people not to pay their taxes and I don't mean that literally... yet. But if your government is not holding up its end of the deal, why should we? And not serving the people when that is a major component of your job description is definitely not holding up your end. That's like paying rent in a house that has no roof. Get involved. Ask questions. Don't vote for people just because they passed out free tee shirts. Let's hold our officials accountable or let's hold our dollars in our pockets. This country was started in a revolutionary war by people who were being unfairly taxes and please believe it can end like that too.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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