Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rome Is Burning

Our continual dependence on technology and entertainment compromises our intelligence.

On a large scale, we have lost our ability to communicate, think critically, and do basic things on our own. We are lazy and want everything done for us. We want quality quickly, which is an oxymoron. Anything that is to be appreciated must be sought after. No one just appreciates because he/she is told to appreciate. Taking the time to learn a new word because you looked it up in the dictionary is apart of the struggle, as opposed to just saying "bombastic" into the microphone of your iPhone. Getting lost on a trip instead of just listening to your global positioning system adds hours of conversation to our lives, increasing our interpersonal skills and developing our relationships. Using your imagination when watching sitcoms as opposed to feeding into the nonsensical lives of reality television characters gives our imaginations something to do and let's us know that the fairy tale lifestyle is not real.

I have a major problem with the new way things are done because it has to come falling down. I want to have a good grasp on what is really real when it does. Just so I can say I expected it. This stuff is fake people. Know that. The cars and the iPads and iPhones... all of it is fake. It was purchased on credit by a debtor nation, which also makes us lazier, and eventually, someone is going to reposes it. They might not directly take it out of our hands, but we, as a nation, are in fiscal, social, spiritual, and moral debt. It has to be paid by one generation. The baby boomers probably won't be around to see it come crashing down. That leaves my generation, one full of people who lack the intelligence, drive, and imagination to get out of such a situation. THINK PEOPLE!!! I IMPLORE YOU!!!

Why am I wasting my key strokes? My faith is in God b/c this generation is a sorry excuse of human beings. We only care about ourselves.

Rome is burning.

Get out while you can.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

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