Thursday, March 22, 2012

Trayvon Martin

Trayvon was murdered. We cannot bring him back. Based on the Florida law, we really cannot do anything to his George unless the powers that be decide that there are credible witnesses.

What we can do is make sure that this doesn't happen again. This is an election year. That means that, for once, we have a voice that politicians must actually listen to as opposed to pretending to listen to. We cannot change the laws ourselves. It takes us bugging the hell out of our representatives. It takes us calling and saying "My name is Deryle Daniels, Jr. I am a voter and I demand that you fight for the repeal of (given law that is like the Stand Your Ground Law)." It takes us not getting tired of calling after 3 weeks or getting distracted by reality TV. It takes us actually being dedicated to a cause.

For those of you who do not know, every law has a hidden agenda. This law was fought for by the National Rifle Association (NRA), historically one of the United States' most conservative (and often said to be most racist) organizations. This situation is so much bigger than Trayvon Martin being shot by George Zimmerman*. This law gives murderers a literal "Get Out of Jail Free" card and places them back into communities, giving them the opportunity to continue living as a parisite. Drug dealers, gang members, and people of the like often get freed because of laws like this and go right back to impoverished communities, continuing to drain them of the resources they have. And if they murder again, they can once again say, "I did it because I felt threatened," and life will continue to go on. It perpetuates the self-extermination of the lower class and is quasi-systematic genocide. Some people might think I am being an extremist but, as I said, I am a firm believer that, when the NRA decided to get behind this law, they knew that it would be used as justification in two instances most often - 1) gang/drug-related killings and 2) whites who said they felt threatened by the presence of a minority. Guess what? They were right. And the NRA has enough money to purchase lobbyists that can get 21 bills like that passed across the nation.

The beauty of it being an election year is that, as I said above, we actually have a voice that outweighs the money of major interest groups. See, these politicians' jobs are politics. Without us voting them back into office, their political careers end. So we have to let them know that we will not vote them into another term if they decide to leave laws like the Stand Your Ground Law on the books. These laws allow people to get away with murder, sometimes done in cold blood. Our judicial system needs to question anytime a person dies at the hand of another to see if this was preventable or not.

People, reach out to your politicians. Make a change. People say have a heart but I believe that we all have one. Let's let that heart guide us to take action.

E-mail me at if you need to know who your area's elected officials are. I'll get back to you within 24 hours with their contact information.

Do not let this 17-year old die in vain.

*See the post "White-Hispanic on Black Crime" in my column Mind Over Media at posting later this evening.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should actually look at the law; that law is the same in every state and the NRA didn't make it, it actually originates in England, and has been around for hundreds of years- waaaaaay before tha NRA was around.Essentially it provides that one doesn't have to flee if he sincerely believes his life is in danger and that he can use deadly force to potent his life...doesn't have
    anything to do with killing drug dealers or whites killing minorities, it has to do with self much god damn propaganda dude, quit thinking everything is racist, it was homicide; a man killing a man doesnt matter what color they are
