Sunday, July 19, 2009

Parents Just Don't Understand

I absolutely hate being home during the breaks and am often reminded why. My parents' ways of doing things aren't mine. I have grown and developed my own ways of thinking about things, but in their house it's their way. For instance, I have grown out of the traditional eating times b/c I can come and go from the food court or cafeteria as I please. And I no longer have a bed time b/c I think of time as a man made constraint and the word "late" is relative based upon what time your day starts. I am no longer in tune with the dependency that a family presents.

As frustrating as it is, I am here and will be until I move back to Greensboro. Not really a long post but it's on my mind and therefore it is here for your reading pleasure.

Litera scripta manet. - Unknown

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you know that I agree whole-heartedly with this post. When I'm at home with my parents, they just don't really want me leaving the house period. It's not even really about eating times or bedtimes with them. It's also about the unnecessary arguments that build when you have argumentative parents. Grr! Glad you wrote about this.
